Community garden of Capuchin monastery in Opočno

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Regional Authority of the Hradec Králové region(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:


The Capuchin monastery in the town of Opočno has been abandoned and unused since 2007. According to a public opinion poll, local people often have no idea about its existence, even though it is located in the town centre. The potential of this place remains long-term hidden behind the monastery walls. The community garden project will lead to the opening of this long-term closed monument and its innovative use according to the needs of the local community, which resulted from a survey on the monastery revitalization and from the strategic plan of Opočno town.

We will start the project with a partial revitalization of the monastery gardens. Locals, including all social groups, will be involved in the creation of the process of the community garden. It will help to strengthen their relationship to the monastery and support the development of the community itself. The town inhabitants will also participate in the handcraft making of garden furniture during workshops with a partner organization. 

Outdoor space in the gardens will be used for organizing cultural events such as concerts and exhibitions. It will help with the monastery revitalization and increase the public interest in the monument.
In order to improve the cultural heritage management, the project partner will launch educational seminars focusing on cultural entrepreneurship. Training sessions will contribute to the increase of cultural management professionals specialized in the revitalization and reuse of cultural monuments.

Further educational activities will be arranged for the local community and self-government. A plan for the future use of the monastery and a strategy for its sustainable management will be created by using participatory methods.

The community garden project will be the first step in the entire monastery revitalization. It has great social, cultural and economic potential for the future of Opočno and its inhabitants.

Summary of project results

The project contributed to bilateral cooperation and exchange of experience with the Norwegian side, however, during the project problems in communication with the Norwegian partner occurred, which implies the need for careful screening partner organizations.

Equipment for the monastery garden and for community and cultural activities were purchased. In 10/2022, the Norwegian partner implemented a carpentry ws for the local community, during which benches were made. In 11/2023, the "IDU Academy: Revitalization and innovative use of cultural heritage" took place for 20 representatives of organizations dealing with cultural business. The local community participated in building the growing part of the garden in 19 ws. 5 cultural events for the public took place in the garden: a concert by the Hradec Králové Philharmonic, a performance by the children of the Opočno School of Education, concert by Michal Horák, exhibitions - "Five years of frenzy" and "What will happen to the monastery". In 3/2023, the conference "Cultural heritage: Innovative approaches and sustainable community development for the local community" took place with the participation of the Norwegian partner. The "Strategy for the use of the monastery in
Opocno" was prepared.

59 pieces of technical equipment were purchased - KA1. 20 professional workers trained in the field of business (KA2) were trained. 19 events in monuments of cultural heritage (KA3) were supported. 

5 cultural events were organized in monuments of cultural heritage (KA4). A set of 6 elements of mandatory publicity of the project (KA5) was taken. 30 representatives of the local community and self-government (KA7) were trained. The garden was visited by 10,342 participants.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.