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By converting the central building of the Municipal Library of Prague (MLP) to virtual reality, we will open to a new audience.
The MLP is facing a long-term decline in visitor numbers and at the same time demand for online digital services is growing. The number of events held exclusively online is increasing at the expense of physical activities, but we want to develop a balanced portfolio of services, i.e. a suitable mix of traditional activities strongly complemented by a professionally-produced programme in the digital space. We have established cooperation with a Norwegian partner with experience in the technical side and the Prague City Museum, which will co-author the historical layers with us.
Objective 1: we will convert the actual building into a virtual form using 3D scanning and modelling. We will re-connect and open even parts that are (semi)closed to the public: the screening halls, the puppet theatre, the Prague City Gallery exhibition hall and the Residence of the Mayor of Prague. With partners, we will gather a rich commentary, interactively display it in historical context and integrate digital services into the “library” spaces. A virtual gallery will be used to host online exhibitions. The virtual visitors will discover all areas as they walk through the building or could consume activities directly.
Objective 2: Activities. Around the virtual model, we will build services and a follow-up program. We will permanently integrate the new position of VR specialist into the organizational structure, who will lead a team dedicated to an innovative online program created together with the public in a participatory approach. We will offer part of the space for free use. A best practice manual will be published. With the help of new and already owned infrastructure and partners we will physically take the programme to places where the library itself could not reach with its usual services - to disadvantaged children or people with disabilities.
Summary of project results
The main building of the Municipal Library of Prague was the first purpose-built library in Czechoslovakia. The traditional form of the premises did not allow to offer modern services and the building is also neglected in the competition of the surrounding monuments. The project has allowed to convert parts of the building into virtual reality, promote online, organise a number of thematic public activities. Challenges: cooperation with authorities, lengthy selection procedures.
Several goals were defined (making the monument accessible online, popularizing the topic of virtual reality (VR) and testing new services and procedures - all activities were aimed at fulfilling these goals. In the first place, a new position of specialist was created, without which the project could not have started (know-how). VR points were set up as part of the new services, where, in addition to organising activities for the public, anyone with help can start to learn about VR. More than 100+ activities, workshops and online exhibitions were organised. The experience was brought tto groups who would not visit the library (seriously ill children, people with mental health issues, physically disabled people etc.). For the library, it meant stepping out of the comfort zone and learning new practices and things.
A VR mobile app with historical time planes and mini-games. Panoramic tour as a means of promoting a historical monument. New services offered - a reason to come - manifested by an increase in readership in the target group. The project goal was exceeded by 19% in activities and 20% in number of visitors. For the professional community the output is a best practice manual on our experience and how to follow the library. A VR coordinator have been employed a with the task of further developing the project outputs.
Summary of bilateral results
The project partner, Trondheim Public Library, contributed practical experience with 3D scanning and converting (historical) library buildings into virtual reality at the beginning of the project. In addition to gradually scanning all branches, they are developing an interactive film (experience) in virtual reality. It has been instructive and important for Municipal Library of Prague to follow the development, compare assumptions with reality and learn from the whole process. Regular monthly coordination meetings were held and the partner participated in testing during the software development. Practical experience was gained with the smooth organisation of activities for larger groups in virtual reality, and dealt with technical and legal issues of using third-party applications. Two internships took place within the project, one in each partner institution. Gradually the roles were partly reversed (the Norwegian project went into a dramatic time slip) and the role of the mentor, the more advanced party in the development, was reversed.The partnership with the Trondheim Public Library is one of the best experiences of the project - people with experience and passion for the cause came together on both sides. From the original intention of the project, both partners gradually started to explore together the broader issue of virtual reality - its use in formal education (research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The excellent cooperation with the Norwegian partner has further expanded to include other topics and teams that are not related to the project but have started running in parallel - the Norwegian SmartLib project dealing with the optimization of automated sorting lines, the nascent cooperation with the Norwegian development studio Breach VR. The cooperation has opened doors to other Norwegian libraries and several international internships of colleagues are in preparation within the Eramus+ programme.