More information
10Lines OÜ is an Estonian start-up company, the aim of which is to bring autonomous parking lot drawing robots.
Today, car parks are mostly lined with a team of three. About 70% of the work is spent on preparatory activities, in which cords are laid above the parking lines to line up the lines. Measuring tapes are used to measure the locations of the lines, and the ends of the lines are marked on the asphalt with marker paint or chalk. In order to paint straight lines, a chalk line is used to mark a straight line on the asphalt for each line, or a line is used, which is usually warned by two workers and according to which a third worker paints a line with a small petrol engine. If the preparation work for drawing could be optimized, drawing could be done seven times faster. Marking lines is a continuous work and lines must be marked over and over again once a year.
The goal of the Green ICT project is to create drawing robots, which could be tested with customers with different needs (airports, car park plotters, ports) and in different conditions (outdoor car parks, indoor drawing in buildings). The aim of the Green ICT project is to achieve the market readiness of drawing robots by creating and testing test robots.
Summary of project results
Project Promoter develops autonomous drawing robots. The project was aimed at replacing the current inefficient and manual methods with a better quality, more accurate and more cost-effective solution.
Project concentrated in developing the autonomous drawing robot with the goal to achieve the market readiness of drawing robots through the creation and testing of test robots. As part of the project, four test robots were developed, where each subsequent series takes into account the experience gained from the development of the previous robot. Robots are tested under different conditions. In addition, the software and user environments (web environment and tablet application) necessary for the operation of the drawing robot were developed.
A video of the finished 10Lines autonomous drawing robot can be seen on this website:
The project action plan in terms of development activities was successfully implemented as planned. Despite the significantly difficult economic climate and the difficult situation in hiring software developers, the development of the robot''s user software as well as the development of the robot''s hardware and the robot''s control software within the project reached such a point that immediately after the end of the project period, it was possible to start renting the robot to provide drawing services to the customer. The design for small-scale production of the robot is complete, but the development of the robot continues to reach an efficiently produced mass production version that can be offered to customers worldwide.