Cultural Center Provoz 2.0

Project facts

Project promoter:
Provoz z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The cultural organization Provoz has entered a new era in 2020. By relocating to the center of Ostrava, a complete restructuring and optimization have begun. A part of this new era is submitting and realizing the presented project, which will lead our organization to a prosperous and stable future.

We intend to get the necessary funding for the complex support of our NGO – improving the quality of our internal structures and processes, which will lead to long-term dramaturgical and financial sustainability. Thanks to this project, Provoz will remain one of the region''s most prominent centers of independent culture.

Provoz has been struggling with insufficient funding for the whole 11 years of its existence. Currently, we struggle to obtain enough support for the continuous activities and the salaries of the core organizing team. Ongoing funding issues have led Provoz to a point where the only solution seems to be giving up on our organization''s statutes and shifting the focus of our dramaturgy on commercial activities. 

We have designed this project to help the organization stay true to its values. At the same time, it will secure stable working conditions for young professionals in the cultural sector and provide them with additional education and material resources to ensure the sustainability of the NGO''s existence. Moreover, Provoz will provide its space to other NGOs in the area. 

In this instance, considering the project''s focus, the target groups are our organization Provoz with its core team, external partners (organizations and individuals), and visitors of our events.

Summary of project results

Ensuring quality and sustainable management of the organisation
Creating jobs and a stable working environment for cultural professionals in a region at risk
Programme structure in line with the objectives of the association.
Establishment of regular evaluation processes.

Setting up evaluation processes in the organization and their regular 14-day implementation.
Training the team in relevant PR, FR and communication courses.
Purchase of sound equipment for the needs of the association and external entities from the non-profit sector. Cooperation with other non-profit organizations and individuals

Project Provoz 2.0 is seen as a success and beneficial to the organization, its operations and for laying a stable foundation for future development. As a result of the evaluation meetings, which were regularly attended by all team members and occasionally by external collaborators, is optimized the association''s running in several areas. The team''s communication and overall mood have improved; better coping with the event management and the coordination of the center. Completion of a long-term series of workshops (led by an external coordinator) where the association´s values, mission, vision, and target audience were defined. Identification of communication archetypes, core communication elements and unifying communication on social media and materials.

The evaluation meetings proved crucial, and we will continue with them. The project''s major successes are the purchase of professional sound equipment, which they no longer have to borrow, and the full-time position for an economist. Significant progress - externally and internally has been made. Provoz has established itself as an independent cultural center of at least regional importance. The project has directly benefited the organization, the people who form it, the cultural community, and the thousands of people who attend their events.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.