The aim of the project is to improve the quality and transparency of the activities of organizations implementing environmental education (EE). The project seeks to achieve this objective by creating the basic standards for their activities, by introducing into practice a system of certification, by creating counseling system for these entities. Within the project will be appointed expert group, whose role will be to develop activities for restoring and further strengthening relations between the providers EE and public administration.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to improve the quality and transparency of environmental education providers within the NGOs throughout the Czech Republic. The project tried to achieve its goal through creating the missing tools for quality monitoring and implementation of current knowledge.The project sought to respond to this deficit in several ways: by setting basic quality standards for their work, implementing a system of certification for providers of environmental education and the introduction of the system into practice, providing educational activities for creators and teachers of environmental education programs, under which the participants are introduced to recent findings in the field of theory of program creation and different theories of environmental education discussed by the Czech and international professional discourse and also methodical and consulting activities led by professional consultants on the issues of services and functioning of the organizations involved in environmental education. This objective allows the organizations to increase the efficiency and professionalism of their work and increase by that their prestige among the customers, public administration and donors. And thus build the relationships between the actors of EE. The project has also managed to partially restore the lost partnership of Pavučina- as an organization representing the providers of EE- and the public authorities, especially the Ministry of the Environment and some regional managemens. Thanks to the support, the target group (ie. The NGOs working in the field of enviromental education in Czech Republic) got the opportunity to participate in the activities that promote the growth of quality of their work and expertise. There were mechanisms put in practise, that would be very difficult to start without this kind of help.
Summary of bilateral results