The Czech Republic is a record holder in the production of greenhouse gases (12 tonnes CO2/capita/year) due to low energy efficiency. The projects main objective is to increase awareness of target groups about home renewable resources. The outcomes will involve 100,000 people in "non-payers movement", those, who do not pay unnecessarily as they do not waste natural resources. These activists will become motivators of public change towards lower consumption of non-renewable resources. The project addresses the public through multipliers: 50 journalists will increase their competencies so public debate reflects importance of energy efficiency and recycling, 500 government representatives will have higher awareness about the need to implement energy saving measures. The partnership will work towards bilateral know-how sharing and a better dissemination of results and involves Norwegian Friends of the Earth and Czech NNO Hnuti DUHA – Sedmá generace.
Summary of project results
The goal of the project was to raise awareness about need for energy transformation in the Czech Republic among the target group – politicians, journalists and general public. Project activities combined expert materials, public events and quite intense and innovative public communication campaign. We were succesfull showing that business as usual is not a viable option anymore. Use of fossil fuels affects the climate change and Renewable sources of energy prove more and more to be useful and become accepted by target groups. There is still need for a legislative measures that would help further development of RE instalations, mainly for community owned wind turbines or roof instalation of PV pannels. The project has produced number of high quality publications (studies, infographics, information lists and leaflets). Our effort to keep the topic in the media space has been quite succesfull as well. Most of the indicators we set at the beginnig were met and many were surpassed.
Summary of bilateral results
Knowleadge Exchange was the main output of the project. Very important was face to face meeting in the Czech Republic and maybe even more journalist’s visit in Norway. Those activities were part of related KBS project. Cooperation between partners lead to better understanding of conditions and situations in both countries and helped to understand challenges that lay ahead for both partners in their campaigns.