More stable Spirála Ostrava due to evaluation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Spirála Ostrava, z.ú.(CZ)
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Spirála Ostrava, is a major provider of social services for people with mental illness and employment in sheltered conditions for people with disabilities in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The aim of the project is receive comprehensive feedback from an independent expert on the overall functions of the organisation''s project activities, analyse the current state of efficiency of the company''s management, subsequently take measures to improve the situation in key areas and treat one of the possible risks to the long-term sustainability of the organisation.
Thanks those activities the organisation will be able to look at was already created so far and find out where it can be improving and target its human potential and finances. The project includes the set up of an HR department who will take care of employees and strengthen fundraising as one part of multi-source funding. The project will strengthen the non-profit organisation Spirála Ostrava and thus help to sustain support for people with mental illness and other disabilities in Ostrava and the surrounding area.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address several critical issues and challenges within our organization, Spirála Ostrava, driven by our need for stable and sustainable growth. As the organization expanded, we recognized the necessity to strengthen our personnel and organizational capacities. This included enhancing our work systems with employees, improving overall organizational functioning, and increasing management efficiency. Furthermore, there was a pressing need to better coordinate internal processes and ensure they were well-supported by internal regulations.

One of the key challenges we faced was the need to improve our communication with supporters and secure diversified funding sources. This was essential to ensure the long-term financial stability of the organization.

By undertaking this project, we aimed to implement systematic improvements that would enhance our organizational stability and efficiency. These improvements included developing a more robust HR department, creating better internal communication channels, and establishing clearer processes and guidelines for our operations. Additionally, we sought to increase the involvement and support of our stakeholders through improved communication strategies.

Overall, the project’s goal was to create a more resilient and efficiently managed organization capable of delivering high-quality services sustainably. By addressing these fundamental challenges, we aimed to safeguard the well-being of our employees and service users, ensuring that Spirála Ostrava remains a trusted and effective entity in the long term.

Milestone A: The first phase focused on establishing the conditions necessary for gathering initial evaluation data. This involved setting up the groundwork for the evaluative process and ensuring all preliminary data was accurately collected.

  • Milestone B: The second phase involved evaluating the ongoing process analysis. This step was crucial for assessing the current state of our internal processes and identifying areas that required improvement.

  • Milestone C: The third phase included updating internal documents and establishing a comprehensive evaluation system. 

  • Milestone D: The final phase was the concluding audit, which provided a thorough review of the implemented changes and their effectiveness.

Activities and Outputs:

The project significantly strengthened employee care and internal communication by creating an HR department and developing new personnel and organizational procedures. This led to improved organizational functioning, more efficient processes, and a reduced burden on senior staff. As a result, employees received better care for their needs and more stable support.

In the area of fundraising and PR, we established a new position for a fundraising and PR coordinator and updated the operational system in this area. The creation of a comprehensive fundraising plan improved the efficiency of our fundraising activities and contributed to the financial stability of the organization.

We conducted a process analysis using the CAF method to obtain data for further organizational development. The results of this analysis were integrated into our processes and project activities, providing a solid foundation for future growth and improvement.

Finally, we implemented and evaluated the changes through a concluding process audit. This evaluation led to improvements in service delivery, enhanced our reputation, and strengthened our relationships with clients and supporters. Ultimately, these changes contributed to the more stable financing of our activities.

The project "Spirála Ostrava stabilnější díky evaluaci" achieved significant results that positively impacted various stakeholders, including the extended leadership team, employees, supporters, and social service clients.

Extended Leadership Team

The project notably strengthened the extended leadership team by creating and filling the positions of HR Coordinator and a capable HR Assistant. This development significantly relieved senior staff from the burdens of employee recruitment and care, allowing them to focus on implementing new process procedures and work systems within their departments. The entire leadership team was involved in formulating, preparing, and implementing these new procedures, thereby enhancing their engagement and involvement in the organization’s operations. Through ongoing education and training, the team also improved their competencies in management and leadership.

Employees of Spirála Ostrava

Employees benefited from the introduction of a clear system of internal regulations. The implementation of key processes enabled them to actively participate in shaping their working conditions by providing feedback and testing these processes in practice. Feedback was gathered through questionnaires and discussions during team meetings. All employees were informed about the project outcomes and the final CAF audit results during an organization-wide meeting. The overall stability of the organization was enhanced, which positively affected the daily work environment for employees.

Supporters, Benefactors, and Service Clients

Supporters and benefactors were regularly informed about organizational changes and project progress through newsletters, emails, social media posts, blog updates on the organization''s website, and public events. This improved communication was facilitated by the newly created position of Fundraising and PR Coordinator. The increased frequency and efficiency of communication strengthened the relationships with this target group. As the organization’s stability and PR activities improved, overall awareness of Spirála Ostrava in the local community grew, enhancing its credibility with supporters, customers in social enterprises, and clients of social services.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.