Migrants in Czechia face different sorts of problems and challenges. Issues that are very actual is regarding equal treatment in the labour market (migrants, due to their lack of knowledge and mainly due to their inferior status, often face illegal practices such as violation of employee’s rights) and equal access to education system (usual practice is to place a migrant pupil – newcomer to lower class than would be appropriate according to his/her age and previous school attendance). This practice negatively influences the whole school attendance era and even study or job careers of migrant children. The aim of the project is therefore to support equal opportunities of migrants in Czechia mainly in spheres of labor market and access to education. The project will develop new instruments of protection against discrimination, new services for migrants, including preparation for Czech school via so called “family courses”, and instruments to motivate and involve members of a hosting society to be useful and easy partners to migrants in long-term and sustainable manner.
Summary of project results
The project focused on development of social services in the field of integrating migrants into the Czech educational system, fair treatment on the labor market and increasing involvent of wider spectrum of relevant parties, especially on a local level. It was also aimed at strengthening the organization's capacity when dealing with the media. The first target group - migrants (foreigners from the third countries, foreigners with international/subsidiary protection and EU citizens) - were offered services in Prague and other regions, especially in Central Bohemia Region. We have provided 683 counselling sessions, 360 migrants participated in other project activities such as family courses, discussions, 3 new methodologies were developed. The second target group - majority (employers, educators, workers in job centers and social departments of municipalities, local communities) have learned about the clients and their issues and participated in finding concrete solutions. The third target group - care providers- have gained new knowledge and improved old skills in counseling and education. Specifically, the project delivered not only higher number of counseling sessions and higher participation of the target group than we have originally expected, but also two new methodologies (m. of fair treatment on the labor market and in the educational system and methodology of so called Family Czech Courses for Foreigners), elaborated case studies and a publication which summarizes all the gained knowledge. We currently offer extended counseling services and Czech lessons for foreigners.
Summary of bilateral results