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The main goal of the project proposal is improving the inclusion and empowerment of Roma by introducing effective mechanisms for sustainable provision of effective integrated measures, leading to improved social inclusion of target vulnerable communities in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo. The project includes the provision of a complex of integrated services by multidisciplinary teams in the municipalities in order to improve the situation and increase opportunities for social inclusion and development of the Roma communities by learning new social, health, life and management skills. It is planned to provide a number of specialized services aimed at empowerment; personal development and training; career counseling and realization on the labor market; social rehabilitation and integration; provision of integrated health and social services; psychological support, legal assistance and counseling, etc. Conducting motivational, professional and specialized trainings and providing subsidized employment to people, representatives of the Roma community / target groups in the municipalities. Organizing and conducting surveys in order to establish the level of acceptance of the Roma by the general population in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo. The project envisages expanding the capacity of local institutions providing various primary services in the three municipalities, in order to effectively coordinate and work together to manage individual cases, launch of a procedure for development and approval of the regulation under the Spatial Planning Act in the places with concentrated Roma population, creation of a Strategy for the development of services for a 5-year period after the completion of the project, activities for communication and awareness, empowerment and development of the community, organizing information campaigns to overcome discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population.
Summary of project results
During the implementation of the project, problems with unemployment among the Roma population related to the quality education access, health services and programs, were solved, with the biggest challenge being the initiation of procedures for the surveying the land plots with a concentration of predominantly Roma population.
Introduction of an innovative practice for providing multidisciplinary support, ensuring a sustainable coordination mechanism for cooperation between the target community, local authorities, regional units of institutions, medical facilities, NGOs, etc. in order to effectively solve the identified problems. Improved social inclusion and empowerment of Roma, by introducing effective mechanisms for sustainable provision of complex integrated measures to the target vulnerable communities in the territories of the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo. Increasing the access of Roma and other vulnerable groups from the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo, facing extreme poverty and exclusion, to better services in the following sectors: social assistance, education, employment and health care. Empowering Roma communities, including Roma women and youth, for their active participation in decision-making processes affecting their lives. Improving the quality of life of persons from vulnerable and minority groups /with a focus on the Roma community/, by providing quality integrated services aimed at increasing the potential of the community and developing opportunities for social realization by developing and providing sustainable mechanisms for community support, built on the basis of multidisciplinary cooperation between the various existing institutions, through the appointed specialists at the local level. Increased level of acceptance of the Roma by the general public, regulation of the territories occupied by the Roma population, increased interest on the part of the Roma population in supplying the necessary construction documentation and created conditions for the improvement of the territories. Increased knowledge and skills when looking for work, to oppose all forms of discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population, to reduce early marriages and teenage pregnancies.
Conditions for providing measures for social inclusion of Roma were created. Information campaigns aimed at representatives of the marginalized target groups were conducted. People from the municipalities were involved in activities other than information campaigns. Bilateral relations with Norway donor state were strengthened through physical and online exchange.
Summary of bilateral results
The activity was entirely aimed at and contributed to sharing successful experience and good practices in the processes of implementing effective integrated measures in the field of education, healthcare, social activities, and access to the labor market. As a result of the bilateral activity, the following documents were developed: Handbook for conducting effective information campaigns; Handbook for innovative approaches in creating complexes of integrated services for inclusion of minorities through training and social inclusion /based on experience from Norway/; Handbook of good practice from Norway for the provision of integrated services to minorities. The following trainings were organized for the multidisciplinary teams from the three municipalities, as follows: Training for effective work with the target groups, based on the Norwegian experience with 20 participants from Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo municipalities; Two-day online training for higher acceptance of Roma by the general population, based on the Norwegian experience; A working visit of nine participants from the three municipalities from Bulgaria to Norway was carried out in order to exchange experience and good practices regarding the services provided. All these increased the knowledge of innovative approaches in creating complexes for integrated services to better understand the needs of the communities, increase the understanding by majority population and provide better opportunities for the target groups.