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Investment needs in Zakłady Górniczo-Hutniczych regarding the construction of a cogeneration system arise from both necessity replacing less efficient and depleted coal boilers as well as reducing energy consumption original. The implementation of the project is also in line with the environmental objectives of EU and Polish policies. Comprehensive implementation of the project will generate approximately 185 GWh / year in high-efficiency cogeneration, including 101 GWh / year of electricity and 84 GWh / year of heat.
The achievement of indicators, both in terms of products and results, as a result of the investment will significantly contribute to the achievement of the strategic goal, i.e. environmental protection by increasing the efficiency of energy production and changing the fuel used in this process. The energy generated in the high-efficiency cogeneration system will reduce CO2 emissions in the global system by approx. 96 thousand Mg / year (66%) from 2023 (the first full year of operation).
The group that directly benefits from the implementation of the project resulting in the reduction of air pollution will be residents of Bukowno, Olkusz and the surrounding area.