21-COP-0021- Sustainability in education for green energy specialists

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Bucharest(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Reykjavik University(IS)


The main goal is to create a sustainable master program in renewable energy sources at University of Bucharest, for the training of specialists to meet the needs of the labour market. 3 specific objectives are set:
-Creating an efficient framework for the transfer of good practices between the Reykjavik University (RU) and the University of Bucharest (UB), for the modernization and increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of education for renewable energies specialists adapted to the current challenges.
-To offer exchanges / interuniversity mobility for the interdisciplinary training of master students, the professional development of UB teachers and the transfer of experience related to the insertion of graduates in the labour market in the field of renewable sources.
-Continuing the collaboration between UB and RU and check the sustainability of the common educational platform for the renewable energies master programme.
• Mobility of students and staff teaching to Iceland and Romania
• Joint teaching activities and upgrade of present projects
• Intercultural and good practices exchanges
The beneficiaries are students involved in mobility who will study in an international environment.This experience will give them relevant knowledge, skills and competencies in the sustainable development and management of renewable energy projects. They will work in international teams to solve problems and develop joint projects. Students will obtain ECTS credits following the participation in the courses developed within the project. Students who are not directly involved will benefit from case studies as, examples of good practice.
Teachers will innovate their educational methods, enrich the curriculum area, intercultural and pedagogical skills. Employers will have the possibility of engagement with specialists with an interdisciplinary training in green energies.

Summary of project results

According to the European directive, by 2030, renewable energies must account for 32% of energy production. This goal requires specialists with interdisciplinary training in the field of renewable energy sources, who can integrate the concepts of sustainability and zero carbon world in new technological solutions and develop new green energy policies. Sustainability in education for green energy specialists (SEGES) chief-aims were to modernize and increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of education and training for master''s students in sustainable energy at the University of Bucharest as a reply at the current challenges of the renewables labour market. By collaborating with specialists from Iceland University of Bucharest wanted to innovate teaching methods to improve the curriculum in the master''s program in renewable energy and create a common educational platform between Reykjavik University (RU) and University of Bucharest (UB) to offer interuniversity mobility.

During the project a series of mobility were carried out between Romania and Iceland for 27 students and 9 staff. Students participated in blend intensive courses and obtained 6 credits each. A series of study visits were made to RU''s practice partners. A joint article was published in INTED Proceedings 2023. The teachers participated in an international conference on the topic of learning platform in renewable energy higher education. A common study platform for students was developed. Two collaborations were started between UB and 2 internship partners in renewable energies(RE). Study visits were organized to these partners with the staff and students involved in the project.
The students worked in an international environment, improved their knowledge and skills about the implementation of renewable energies. Teachers have improved their educational materials, intercultural and pedagogical skills.
The results of the project led to improve the common educational platform in the master''s programs in RE based on the experiences of international teachers in geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, electrochemical and energy policy. This experience was shared through published articles and communications at national and international conferences
Master of renewable energy from UB built 2 collaborations with companies in wind and photovoltaics in Romania, where students will do their specialized practice. A bridge will be created between the renewable industry needs and the higher educational offer

A common learning platform was built to provide the necessary educational materials in renewable energy using the respective Learning Management Systems of the two universities. Thus, RU designed a course focused on experiential learning in geothermal energy exploitation and sustainable entrepreneurship. UB has developed a course related to the working principle of electrochemical energy converters and their role in creating the new energy system. Theoretical knowledge and a range of applications have been loaded into the dynamic learning environment specific to each university. Field visits, hands-on demonstrations at various power plants and laboratory work followed after the students completed the e-learning part
Another section is dedicated to simulating the static power flow behavior of energy systems built around conventional and renewable electricity generators. The course is based on lectures, seminar/practical course, videos, remote lab, simulation using Python and quizzes. Along with the lecture series, the students wrote a short report detailing their proposal for an innovative, sustainability-focused solution to a modern energy problem
We analyzed the effectiveness of the learning platform based on the following criteria: grades obtained in blended courses; the originality of the proposal for an innovative, sustainability-focused solution to a modern energy problem; student responses to the survey. Most students obtained grades 10/A (52%) and 9/B (34%). These results show the advantages of these blended courses: the flexibility that offers the benefit of deep understanding of certain topics without time pressure, lots of feedback and simplicity.
The students who took part in the survey appreciated the combination of e-learning and apps as it gives them the opportunity to study at their own pace, go deeper, ask questions and also experience in the field or on site study visits. But at the same time, students found that the practical experience gained in laboratories and field visits made a major contribution to their understanding of the subject. Students also appreciate the success of the course in developing their own projects related to the implementation of RE in their home areas. According to the survey, the practical applications during the mobility helped the students to develop many personal skills, the ability to work in a competitive environment but also in an international team, critical thinking, flexibility and also time management.

Summary of bilateral results

The collaboration with a donor project partner from Iceland was essential for the extension of the study program from the renewable energy master of UB with a specific module related to geothermal energy. The advanced knowledge of the partner in the use of this type of energy was shared with our students through a series of courses, which were the basis for the development of a common learning platform for students from the 2 universities. Also, practical applications, field trips to geothermal power plants strengthened their theoretical knowledge. The training of Romanian teachers at partners in Iceland improved their educational methods and materials, intercultural and pedagogical skills.Bilateral collaboration has resulted in expanding the knowledge of different renewable energy sources of students from both universities. Also, starting from RU''s experience of having solid partnerships with the renewable energy industry in Iceland, the UB staff created collaboration contracts between the university and companies with activities in the renewable energy industry. This will allow UB students a better insertion on the renewable labor market in Romania and Europe.Due to the success of this project among the students in the target group and the remarkable results in relation to the new learning techniques tested in this project, we have extended the bilateral collaboration in a new SEE mobility project between UB, RU and a new partner NTNU, Norway (the project started in May 2023). Starting from the good collaboration between RU and UB, we opened in October 2023, a long-term cooperation in ERASMUS projects.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.