Integrated services and equal opportunities for a strong community in Salacea Commune

Project facts

Project promoter:
Alfa Grup Organisation(RO)
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Salacea commune has a predominantly Hungarian population and a significant percentage of Roma population who face various problems in education, housing, poverty, discrimination, etc. Starting from these realities, we chose to develop the social capital of trust and mobilization, putting education at the center of the action. The project activities will involve members of the community, public institutions and companies.

The project was built on the premise that social inclusion and the fight against poverty require an approach to the needs of people throughout life. For children (below 17 years), it was intended to ensure the opportunity to develop, regardless of social background through education and skills development, to become people with confidence in their own strengths, responsible citizens to contribute to the development of the society. Regarding the adults able to activate on the labor market, the aim was to ensure their participation in the economic, social and cultural life. The aim was to engage the various resources available both in the community and outside it, in order to solve the problems and needs that will be identified, contributing to the sustainable development of the Roma and Hungarian communities in Salacea Commune.

The Alfa Grup Association will provide the financial resources for the implementation of the project activities and for the remuneration of the experts involved. Salacea Commune City Hall will be partner and will not have expenses in the implementation of the project,but will provide the project, free of charge,spaces for project meetings and will support the participation of citizens and representatives of the Local Council and City Hall in project activities.

Summary of project results

The multidimensional field of social inclusion is essential from the perspective of the objectives that Romania has assumed for the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy as well as from the perspective of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Salacea commune has a predominantly Hungarian population and a significant percentage of Roma population who face various problems in education, housing, poverty,  discrimination, etc. Starting from these realities, we chose to develop the social capital of trust and mobilization, putting education at the center of the action. The project activities will involve members of the community, public institutions and companies. The project was built on the premise that social inclusion and the fight against poverty require an approach to the needs of people throughout life. For children (below 17 years),it was intended to ensure the opportunity to develop, regardless of social background, through education and skills development, to become people with confidence in their own strengths, responsible citizens to contribute to the development of the society. Regarding the adults able to activate on the labor market, the aim was to ensure their participation in the economic, social and cultural life. The aim was to engage the various resources available both in the community and outside it, in order to solve the problems and needs that will be identified, contributing to the sustainable development of the Roma and Hungarian communities in Salacea Commune. The Alfa Grup Association will provide the financial resources for the implementation of the project activities and for the remuneration of the experts involved. Salacea Commune City Hall will be partner and will not have expenses in the implementation of the project, but will provide the project, free of charge, spaces for project meetings and will support the participation of citizens and representatives of the Local Council and City Hall in project activities.

The activities carried out by the association between September 2023 and February 2024 contributed to achieving the general objective of the project as well as to achieving specific objectives 3 and 4. Thus, the educational actions carried out within activities 6 and 7 contributed to achieving specific objective 3 and indicator 27. The association contributed during this period to achieving specific objective 3 by providing mentoring services for 25 students and Romanian language courses for 20 students within activity 6. Also, counseling people to increase employability by providing counseling services in finding a job and counseling services in order to start an independent activity are actions that aimed to achieve specific objective 3 of the project. Regarding the organizational development objective of the project, the association contributed to achieving it through regular communication actions regarding the activities and results that the association achieves. A number of 1000 people were made aware of the role that the association has in civil society, through the activities it carries out and the contribution it brings to improving the standard of living and quality of life of vulnerable people. One of the most important lessons learned during this period refers to the way in which the measures targeted at vulnerable people are implemented to truly support the difficult situation they are in: identifying urgent needs, finding appropriate solutions, starting actions in the shortest possible time and achieving the expected results. Also, the replication of the measures at the community level for various other vulnerable groups is proof of the efficiency of these measures that contribute to improving the quality of life of community members.

- 19 Romanian language courses organized and conducted - 20 students from the 8th grade of Salacea Secondary School participating in Romanian language courses - 10 mentoring sessions for disadvantaged students - 25 students from disadvantaged groups participating in mentoring sessions
- 12 career counseling sessions conducted - 16 young people participating in counseling sessions - 5 counseling sessions on starting their own business and developing a business plan - 5 people participating in counseling sessions on developing a business plan
– 337 people aware of the organization''s activities and results, the role of civil society organizations in society. - 1 article published in online media - 2 online events

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.