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“Timber Kit”, LLC requires a forklift in order to be able to safely move materials in the territory, load and unload them from the delivery transport. Currently, the company uses a non-residential premises (production building) lessor forklift, which is in poor technical condition and is morally obsolete. The company, by purchasing a new forklift, will increase production efficiency, improve occupational safety and create one new job. The long-term goal of “Timber Kit”, LLC is to promote economic development in Northern Latgale by creating new jobs for representatives from the group at risk of social exclusion and to develop entrepreneurship, which increases the quality of life of the inhabitants of rural areas, promotes competitiveness and local socio-economic development.
Summary of project results
insufficient production increasing production efficiency, improve occupational safety and create one new working place.
A new forklift was purchased
The production efficiency was increased, one new working place created.