Production of popular educational videos on the topic of air protection

Project facts

Project promoter:
Clean Sky o.p.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research(NO)
Other Project Partners
LAG Pobeskydí(CZ)


Air quality in the Moravian-Silesian region is one of the worst in the Czech Republic. Mortality associated with air pollution by dust particles is one of the highest in Europe. Educational activities play an important role in fixing the situacion. The project is focused on creating a comprehensive information and educational campaign associated with a different atmosphere, not only in the MS region. The aim of the project is to create four animated popular-educational videos on this topic. The form and length of the video will correspond to the highest possible attractiveness for a wide range of viewers. In addition to educational components, we also offer videos of patterns of good behavior in given situations. The Norwegian partner contributes its expertise in creating the content of these videos. The videos will determine for two audiences. The first target group will be second-grade students from selected schools in the MS region. Pupils will be shown new videos during educational discussions. The screening will be followed by a discussion that will lead to the anchoring of newly acquired knowledge. The second target group will be the general public, which will come into contact with our videos through the broadcasting of television stations with regional and national reach. The reach of the videos will be increased by accompanying promotional activities (articles on the project''s website and FB/IG pages, a promotion at thematic events). It will lead to information on the population about the impact of human activity on the atmosphere. They will thus have the opportunity to make real changes and participate in the remedial situation. The project will have a long lifespan due to the fact that the outputs will be available even after the end of the project.

Summary of project results

The air quality in the Moravian-Silesian region is among the worst in Czechia. The mortality rate associated with particulate air pollution is one of the highest in Europe. Studies identify solid fuel furnaces as a primary contributor to this pollution. Consequently, individual efforts can significantly mitigate this issue. Elevating public awareness emerges as a crucial strategy, addressing not only solid fuel furnaces but also transportation and industrial emissions. To address these challenges comprehensively, we''ve devised the "Production of popular educational videos on the topic of air protection" project. This initiative aims to foster a widespread understanding of air quality issues, extending its impact far beyond the borders of the Moravian-Silesian region.

As a pivotal aspect of our effort, we produced four captivating animated educational videos. These videos delve into key areas contributing to air pollution, including transportation, industrial activities, and the usage of solid fuel furnaces. Simultaneously, we shed light on the profound impact of air pollution on human health while offering practical solutions for mitigation and prevention. Collaborating closely with our Norwegian partner, NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research), we developed the video scenarios. Subsequently, these videos were disseminated through regional television broadcasts and online platforms like YouTube. Furthermore, in partnership with LAG Pobeskydí, we conducted informative debates at select schools within the Moravian-Silesian Region. These engagements reached nearly 600 pupils and teachers, effectively addressing the issue of air pollution through our educational content.

The project has played a pivotal role in educating target demographics. Following the screenings, discussions with pupils and teachers served to solidify their understanding. Complementing this, the distributed booklet and worksheet aided in reinforcing the newly acquired knowledge among children. Moreover, the produced videos not only serve an educational purpose but also exemplify proper behaviour in various scenarios. The widespread dissemination of these educational videos through mass media channels has significantly amplified their impact, a momentum that will persist beyond the project''s conclusion. All project outputs have been made freely accessible online, and are already being used by teachers, environmentalists, and others. The successful culmination of the project holds importance in boosting interest in air protection, thereby contributing to broader environmental conservation efforts. Additionally, it furnishes accessible resources for both professionals and the general public interested in the cause.

Summary of bilateral results

The partner organisation from Norway, NILU (Norsk institutt for luftforskning), played a key role in ensuring the factual accuracy of the project outputs. Particularly valuable was the cooperation, ensured by numerous online communications and phone calls, regarding the creation of the scripts for the popular educational videos. Noteworthy is the contribution of NILU research director Professor Alena Bartonova, who provided valuable insights, comments, and observations. It''s important to underscore Professor Bartonova''s dedication to this endeavour. Special recognition is owed for her commitment, investing her personal time without compensation to ensure the success of our joint efforts.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.