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The project "SNEKKER - development of vocational and continuing education in Szydłowiec on the basis of Polish-Norwegian experience" will be implemented by Training and Consulting Group Europlus Sp. z o.o. in partnership with Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Szydłowiec and Steinkjer Videregaende Skole in Norway in the period 01.03.2022-31.08.2023. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning in the CKZiU in Szydłowiec through the development of curriculum and educational materials, development and publication of a textbook for teaching the occupation Qualification Vocational Course Carpenter - design and renovation, as well as updating the curriculum for the occupation Carpenter by learning module: design and renovation within the Specialized Trade School of 1st Degree (so far, teaching was based on insufficient guidelines of the Ministry of National Education). The goal will also be achieved through the exchange of Polish-Norwegian experiences and good practices in VET education and bilateral visits to Poland and Norway. The project will include: 2 dissemination events, 3 project meetings, 2 study visits: Norway and Poland, 2 training meetings for 11 students from Poland and Norway , 2 training meetings for 14 persons - management staff and teachers from Poland and Norway, 5 trainings for 50 social services employees and teachers in the scope of Child Welfare Education.
The result of the project will be a textbook in electronic and printed versions for learning within the Qualification Vocational Course in the occupation Carpenter: Design and Renovation, as well as a detailed and comprehensive curriculum with educational materials for the occupation Carpenter: Design and Renovation. Both deliverables will be made available free of charge to all interested parties and can be used by education/training institutions in Poland.