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The project "SNEKKER - development of vocational and continuing education in Szydłowiec on the basis of Polish-Norwegian experience" will be implemented by Training and Consulting Group Europlus Sp. z o.o. in partnership with Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Szydłowiec and Steinkjer Videregaende Skole in Norway in the period 01.03.2022-31.08.2023. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning in the CKZiU in Szydłowiec through the development of curriculum and educational materials, development and publication of a textbook for teaching the occupation Qualification Vocational Course Carpenter - design and renovation, as well as updating the curriculum for the occupation Carpenter by learning module: design and renovation within the Specialized Trade School of 1st Degree (so far, teaching was based on insufficient guidelines of the Ministry of National Education). The goal will also be achieved through the exchange of Polish-Norwegian experiences and good practices in VET education and bilateral visits to Poland and Norway. The project will include: 2 dissemination events, 3 project meetings, 2 study visits: Norway and Poland, 2 training meetings for 11 students from Poland and Norway , 2 training meetings for 14 persons - management staff and teachers from Poland and Norway, 5 trainings for 50 social services employees and teachers in the scope of Child Welfare Education.
The result of the project will be a textbook in electronic and printed versions for learning within the Qualification Vocational Course in the occupation Carpenter: Design and Renovation, as well as a detailed and comprehensive curriculum with educational materials for the occupation Carpenter: Design and Renovation. Both deliverables will be made available free of charge to all interested parties and can be used by education/training institutions in Poland.
Summary of project results
The project was a unique opportunity to improve the quality of the school''s educational offer and, consequently, the quality of education of schools with a similar profile.
As part of the project, 2 study visits were carried out - 1. Visit of the Polish group to Steinkjer (Norway) - visit to the school, participation in workshops and carpentry training organized by the Partner, Participants met with representatives of the local government, school management, teachers and students of the school in Steinkjer. Meetings were held with local entrepreneurs and employees working in the construction and carpentry industry. 2. visit of the Norwegian group to Garbatka-Letnisko (Poland) - a visit to the school, participation in training courses and workshops organized by the school, familiarization with the vocational education system in Poland, the curriculum and the teaching base.
2 dissemination events were organized - a meeting at the beginning of the project and at the end of the project, where the entire project implementation was summarized. The project included the piloting of the Qualified Vocational Course "Carpenter Design and Renovation" during which the developed preliminary version of the curriculum was tested. Conclusions and comments from the pilot were used to make changes in the final version of the manual.
In particular, the project has produced a curriculum and a textbook entitled "Carpenter - Design and Renovation" (2 RPI). This is a tool that will pave the way for other establishments, as well as for people in the profession who create in wood out of passion and love. The project has not only benefited the school, but has also helped to strengthen relations with the Norwegian partner and the local community. The project has shown the potential of the school, which is now more willing to take part in projects of this type. The long-term effect will primarily be a published product that will benefit other schools, as well as the international cooperation that has been established.
Summary of bilateral results
The international partnership has brought many benefits in terms of the project itself and the associated results, as well as agreement in relation to future joint implementations. The school in Steinkjer turned out to be a very friendly and helpful partner, their way of management, organization, as well as involvement in the creation is extremely high, which translates into results and thus motivates them to raise funds and develop the facility. Above all, the partners supplemented their knowledge, exchanged experiences and created a joint product. The implementation of the project was primarily a field for the exchange of experiences related to education in the carpentry profession. Both students and teachers and management had the opportunity to compare the teaching system in Poland and Norway. They got acquainted with the theoretical side and the practical side of education implemented in each country. On the part of the school in Stienkjer, teachers of vocational subjects (direction of construction - carpenter) participated in the exchange of experience, having received training on vocational education and training in Poland. During the visit to Norway, students and teachers had the opportunity to participate in carpentry workshops and visited companies involved in wood production. The parties plan to cooperate even after the project is completed. Due to the twin profiles of the schools, it is very valuable to share experiences, which has a positive impact on the implementation of education. The schools will undertake activities related to finding funding for the implementation of further study visits, and the implementation of joint projects.