The project focuses on protection of human rights and defence of people with disabilities who have experience with discrimination when searching employment. The people with disabilities hardly find work and the public has many prejudices about their abilities. The objectives of the project are as follows: education of people with disabilities, employers and social workers education (workshops, consulting), education of students, teachers and the public by discussions together with a person with disability, consulting, and events for the public. We are also going to offer them the verified tools and options, to teach them about their rights, but also to allow them education as a way how to increase their chances in the labour market. We are going to set up sub-measures in this area in cooperation with local institutions. Target groups are as follows: handicapped people, employers, students and teachers, social workers and the public.
Summary of project results
The project’s objectives were protection of human rights and fighting discrimination in employment of disabled persons, awareness raising and providing information concerning employment of disabled persons to labour market entities. We established free online counselling service, open to questions related to social issues and posted not only by disabled persons, but also by broad public. We organized a self-knowledge course for disabled persons and the course “social and legal minimum – employment of disabled persons”. Handicrafts of disabled persons were presented on public markets and the broad public had an opportunity to walk through and see our premises in course of the “days of the open gates (Vrátka)”. We have encountered mild reluctance from the Chamber of Commerce. However, in the end we were invited to one meeting with employees, organized by the Chamber of Commerce, where we had an opportunity to present the issue of employing disabled persons. Through the project activities, we supported persons discriminated in various ways. By participating in the course, they were helped to achieve motivation – since they do not have to deal with their situation alone, they have been integrated into the society, gained work habits etc. We approached high schools with an offer of lectures on this topic. They expressed great interest – event the schools that are not focused on social services. We considered it really important to realize these lectures – even beyond the scope of the project – since not only students of schools focusing on social services will be meeting disabled persons in their lives. We obtained accreditation for the course “social and legal minimum – employment of disabled persons” and offered it, via website, social networks and email, to companies actively working with disabled persons. On the basis of meetings organized in course of the project, we gathered a significant number of suggestions that we fed into our brochure and information leaflets designed for disabled persons and employees. We created three jobs for disabled people, who were actively assisted by a personal assistant.
Summary of bilateral results