21-COP-0044_Process Optimization and Industry 4.0

Project facts

Project promoter:
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Fagskolen i Viken(NO)
University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)(NO)


Babes Bolyai University (BBU) has identified the opportunity for an educational program (1)targeting company processes and their optimization and (2)creating the proper mentality for practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs towards automation and Industry 4.0.
Long and fruitful cooperation with School of Business from University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), previous contacts with Tinius Olsen Fagskolen i Viken (TOFiV) and the already existing cooperation between USN and TOFiV in this area, represent the starting point for addressing the identified market opportunity.
Process Optimization and Industry 4.0 project aims to create a short term educational program with modular activities, organized on-site with simultaneously on-line broadcasting for those students unable to attend on-site lecture at that specific moment. Some specific activities will be organized on-line, under coordination of Norwegian professors, followed by an intensive on-site activity in the laboratory, during a study trip in Norway.
By cooperating in an international environment, universities (1) develop an educational program with huge potential, accomplishing their education duty for society and (2) create premises for applied research. Staff from all 3 universities involved will contribute to: the curricula / the content of lectures included in the curricula / the pilot program, assessment of concept and potential corrections. Their knowledge, experience and competences will play a key role for creating an attractive and useful curricula. Company visits, both in Romania and Norway, will clarify perception of staff from HEIs related to current business status, differences and common points between the two business environments.
Target groups for the project are staff of involved HEIs and students enrolled in the pilot program. Target groups for the educational program are graduates of business and technical schools, practitioners from business environment, managers and entrepreneurs.

Summary of project results

Romanian companies don''t always pay proper attention to processes (structure, analysis and optimization), thus losing
efficiency - a critical component for competitivity on a global market. Business trends indicate an increasing attention for processes, use of data analysis and process optimization. It''s more and more clear that future belongs to Al and Industry 4.0. By turning this weakness of business environment in a potential for academia, Babes Bolyai University (BBU) has identified the opportunity for an educational program (1) targeting company processes and their optimization and (2)creating the proper mentality for practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs towards automation and Industry 4.0. Currently BBU lacks know-how and assets required for developing and implementing such an educational program by it''s own.

Objective of POI 4.0 was to create a new an innovative short term educational program at Faculty of Business from BBU, with support from USN and TOFiV. Our aim was to create an education programme with modular activities in Romania and Norway. By cooperating in an international environment, universities (1) develop an educational program with huge potential, accomplishing their education duty for society and (2) create premises for applied research.

To achieve the objective, several intellectual outputs were assumed for creating and testing capability and efficiency of the concept. Intellectual outputs assumed in POI 4.0 are: (1) the curricula and (2) content of lectures included in the curricula and (3) pilot program, assessment of concept and potential corrections. Staff from all 3 universities involved have contributed to all Intellectual Outputs. Their knowledge, experience and competences have played a key role for
creating an attractive and useful curricula. Company visits, both in Romania and Norway, have clarifyed perception of staff from HEIs related to current business status, differences and common points between the two business environments. Content of lectures have addressed not only issues connected to company processes but should also create a proper mentality orientated towards efficiency and Industry 4.0. All the materials are disseminated free of charge and open access on the project website. The idea of creating an educational programme at UBB is not yet implemented, but some of the disciplines discusses within the POI 4.0 project will be included in a master degree program than is being developed at the moment. To support these activities, staff from all partners have been involved and have contributed at the accomplishment of the IO, their experience and competences having played a crucial role in the development. Our experiences from company visits, both in Romania and Norway, have been essential to assess business needs, their status in implementing Industry 4.0 indicators, differences and common points between the two business environments in Romania and Norway. Content of lectures has addresses not only issues connected to company processes, but also to create a proper mentality orientated towards efficiency and Industry 4.0.

POI 4.0 generated the most relevant impact on students. Lectures/trainings provided contributed to improvement of their knowledge. By participating at lectures/trainings provided by foreign professors they were able to compare teaching style in different countries. Company visits and interviews with business experts opened a door to real life and offered them possibility to compare theory against practice. Work in mixed groups and travel to a foreign country strengthened theircross-cultural competences.

POI 4.0 was organized in universities by professors. Thus, impact on academic staff is a natural consequence. Working with colleagues from partner universities and traveling to the partner country strengthened cultural competences and for some of them influenced the way of living. Materials prepared and presented consolidated their competences and pedagogical skills. Professors improved their practical orientation by visiting companies and interacting with business experts. Also, they improved research abilities and reputation by working with fellow colleagues and publishing articles. New cooperation opportunities explored are consolidating the partnership.

POI 4.0 is relying on companies to contribute at education of students. Discussions with students allowed business experts to understand the level of knowledge and competences for their future candidates and to contribute to their education. By interacting with professors and students, companies extended their pool of selection for future candidates and open new cooperation possibilities with universities.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the Norwegian partners has generated significant benefits for all involved parties in the project: institutions, staff and students. Having worked in mixed teams, we have experienced cultural differences and adaptability was essential. Romanian students have benefited from the pedagogical methods used by Norwegian professors, and needed to adapt to the Norwegian style methods of teaching/learning. Company visits both in Romania and Norwegia has highlighted the differences in perspectived when it comes to business models, digital and Industry 4.0 processes, planning, and efficiency. Another significant aspect is being subjected to the Norwegian lifestyle, through the social activities planned in Norway. Being able to participate in this project and being able to interact in the Industry 4.0 laboratory at Tinius Olsen has been crucial to understanding Industry 4.0. Romanian staff has also benefited from the project, by being in contact with the applied teaching and research methods at USN.Each mobility had assignnments specific to the topics of the project and have been joint decisitions of RO and NO staff. The curricula and learning materials as well as the submitted articles are results of this collaboration. Planning and discipline is important and while we have had setbacks in the implementation, we have dealt with the situations accordingly.There are plans to continue the on-going sucessful collaboration between institutions (this will be the 3rd project between us), and to submit new applications when financing will be available - it is something that is necessary and desired by all parties.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.