The project will focus on a systematic cooperation with the public media during the year 2015, at the conclusion of which is to be adopted a new global climate deal. It´s aim is to achieve that the selected media will report on climate change often and unbiased and will support a fair public debate. We will meet journalists in person, prepare background documents and graphic infosheet, organise seminars, hold press conference and issue press releases. We will cooperate with Czech and foreign scientists as well as all other member organisations of the Czech climate coalition. With this project we build on our previous cooperation with the UN Info. centre and academic institutions. Particularly in the past 2 years we were actively engaged in communicating clim. science and promoting the findings of the latest International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. Our activities were successful, although we must conclude that especially the outcomes of public media were often “problematic” and did not reflect the scientific consensus
Summary of project results
Debate about climate change is still undermined in the Czech Republic. One of the reason for this state is fact that Czech journalists has lack of information about climate change and also have no time for study so complex issue. For that reason we prepared educational workshops for journalists and also many one-to-one meetings with media representatives. We decided not to focus only on public service media professionals but also for others journalist in wide range of media – from traditional print and broadcasting publishing houses to new on-line media. We developed new kind of media meeting, so called educational workshop. The aim of this meeting is to bring the journalists, scientists and NGO representatives to the one table and updated the journalists with present science knowledge and with proposal of the NGO scene. Beside this we issued a brochure which popularizes last UNFCCC state of knowledge and further we issued several info sheets about Paris Agreement signed on COP 21 meeting and related climate finance as one of the most powerful tools to help developing countries to tackle with climate change and also focusing on a very current problems, such as so called climate migrants. We also managed a lecture of H.J. Schellnhuber, who visited Prague on invation of Climate Coaliton, on The Czech Academy of Science. We also provided other project outputs like press releases and press conference. Thanks to the project we coud provide a feed of most current informations about climate change issues from science point of view and also from NGOs perspective. We helped Czech journalists with better orientation in such complex issue which resulted in the most important goal – to improve quality of Czech climate change debate. Our informations and contacts helped to inform broad public about climate change with many of accurate facts.
Summary of bilateral results