Development of climate change adaptation and mitigation capacity within Alba Iulia Municipality (CRESC Alba Iulia)

Project facts

Project promoter:
UAT Municipality of Alba Iulia(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Local Agency of Energy Alba(RO)


 Alba Iulia Municipality undestood that climate change is not just a topic on the global agenda in recent years, but the ultimate threat to humanity. In this context, the need for this project is justified by the fact that allows the creation of a handmark tool for the Municipality of Alba Iulia, as a first concrete action and a set of solutions for efficient sustainable management of rainwaters collection in this areas. 

The general objective of the project is to increase the climate change mitigation and adaptation capacity of Alba Iulia Municipality, by identifing measures to improve the state of the environment and reduce the effects of pollution and other human activities, helping to align with the EU strategy of adaptation to climate change. 

The activities of the project flow naturaly from each other with a total duration of 12 months, and the team experts involved has the necessary experience to achieve the assumed results. The Activity A1 is project management. Activity A2 will lead to the central result of the project which will be materialized in the realization of a Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan (PAASC) for the period 2022 - 2030. This strategic document will allow Alba Iulia Municipality to rigurously plan for concrete actions intended to climate change mitigation and adaptation, in accordance with national strategies in the field, but also the Long-Term Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe in 2050. The Activity A3 is already a first concrete action in this direction and will be materialized by conducting a specialized study on identifying vulnerable areas to high rainfall in Alba Iulia, proposing also a set of sustainable solutionsn for efficient management. This need resulted from the negative effects of climate change felt more and more frequently in Alba Iulia after heavy rains, as flooding of streets, basement yards, basements, etc. The Activity A4 is dedicated to the visibility of the project and of the funding Programme.

Summary of project results

The project targeted the climate change mitigation and adaptation issue, enabling the Alba Iulia Municipality to increase its capacity to adapt and mitigate the effects generate by climate changes,by identifying measures to improve the state of the environment in its area, and reducing the effects of pollution and other human activities, contributing to the alignment with the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change. This objective fulfillment was based on:- activities on supporting the Municipality of Alba Iulia in the development of a ''Plan of measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change'', taking into account both the identified local needs and the European context (EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change);- activities on supporting the Municipality of Alba Iulia in the identification of vulnerable areas at the municipality level,  and for the efficient and sustainable management of rainwater collection.

Apart the management Activity 1 foreseen in the project, the main activities implemented refer to:  Activity 2- Elaboration of the strategic document "Climate change mitigation and adaptation plan (PAASC) for the Municipality of Alba Iulia" ; Activity 3 - Development of a Study regarding the identification of areas vulnerable to high flows of rainwater in the Municipality of Alba Iulia, and of a proposal for a set of solutions for efficient and sustainable management of rainwater collection in these areas, and Activity 4 - Information and communication. 

The "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan of the Municipality of Alba Iulia 2022-2030 - PAASC", developed within the project, is based on the identified local needs, geographical positioning and other specific characteristics, as well as the national and European context of the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. In order to finalize the PAASC document more stages were completed:  1) Elaboration of the related content structure of PAASC; 2) Development of visual identification and dissemination elements for PAASC; 3) Elaboration of the impact assessment system at the local level specific to the issue of adaptation to climate change in the Municipality of Alba Iulia; 4)  Questionnaire research survey, of local institutions identified as relevant in the issue of adaptation to climate change (questionnaires were sent individually in electronic format to each institution, and the collection process was done by email or through the Google Forms platform made available), and a Report of the sociological investigation regarding the climate changes impact was delivered 5) Online survey of the citizens of the municipality of Alba Iulia, in relation to their perception of the main environmental risk factors at the local level and their impact on their activity; 6) Development and completion of PAASC.

Also, complementary to PAASC, a ''Study on the identification of areas vulnerable to high flows of rainwater in the municipality of Alba Iulia, and of a proposal for a set of solutions for the efficient and sustainable management of the rainwater collection in these areas'' was carried out within the project (

Project achieved all indicators and results assumed by contract (Financing application).The main result of the project, the "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan of the Municipality of Alba Iulia 2022-2030 - PAASC" (, is a medium and long-term public policy document that defines, in principle, the policy of the local public administration of Alba Iulia Municipality in the field of climate change. The Mayor of Alba Iulia Municipality approved the PAASC issuing the Disposition No. 1593/14.12.2022.The development of PAASC and its endorsement have an important impact on local and regional level, making possible to implement measures that address the problem of rainwater management from a broader perspective, which includes : the green-blue infrastructure of the city, the reuse of rainwater, the possibility of having natural areas for water retention.The dissemination, communication and advertising actions implemented within the project materialized through: 6 press releases on project activities and results; 6 posts on the Facebook pages of the Alba Iulia City Hall, having 30 k impact, compared to the 20 k assumed through the Project Communication Plan: Facebook campaign on the Alba Iulia City page; 2 online banners created and promoted by the communication expert on the social channels of the Municipality of Alba Iulia: Facebook, blog, the smart e alba iulia application, including the Augmented Reality (AR) system; 100 broadcasts of a radio spot; 3 posts on the e-albaiulia platform; 1 summary of the project presentation made and sent to the media editorial offices in Alba and the correspondents of the national publications.The target groups, direct and indirect beneficiaries of PAASC are: the Municipality of Alba Iulia as the main involved state authority, other local and regional authorities, local inhabitants  and employees from Ala Iulia city, the local business, educational institutions, tourists, and the residents of the functional urban area.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.