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Compared to the current demographic situation, the city will lose one third of its inhabitants in the next 30 years. Empty quarters, closed schools, problems with the budget, no investments, no manpower - the main problem of Starachowice to which the project responds is the shrinkage of the city and the low attractiveness of settlement.
The most important activities of the project:
- Preparations for the creation of an Eco-School in place of Primary School No. 11,
- Reconstruction of the historic and dilapidated building into the "Little Palace" Creativity Center;
- Improvement of the quality of educational services in the city;
- Activation of non-governmental organizations and civil society as well as the activation of social activity of the city''s inhabitants;
- Adaptation of the city to climate change and increasing the environmental awareness of the inhabitants;
- New housing policy and preparation to accept new residents from outside Poland and creating conditions for their better adaptation in the city (new housing strategy, technical documentation for new ecological buildings);
- Building the city''s brand and promotion strategy;
- Increasing the competences of local administration
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of residents through the implementation of comprehensive social, educational, environmental and economic programs and projects, and to strengthen the institutional potential of the Leader and partner organizations. T
The partnership brings together institutions and organizations with various ranges of activity, activity profiles and potentials.