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The urban municipality of Hrubieszów struggles with multiple deficits, issues and barriers, which cause considerable gradual stagnation in local development, and also are the main reason behind the loss of its social and economic functionality and deteriorating local living standards. This makes Hrubieszów unattractive as a place of residence or employment. The local loss of development functionalities is a long-term process, affected by a series of negative phenomena and factors. The main goal of the project is to achieve sustainable socio-economic development of the city through effective, complete and open to progressive city administration. Facilities to be established: the Creative Centre for Education and Economic Cooperation, the Hrubieszów Communication Centre, the Day Care Centre for Senior Citizens. The Creative Centre for Education and Economic Co-operation (CCEEC) is to become the fundamental source of momentum for the town’s development. The CCEEC shall prepare young people for a future in competitive green economy, it will also support local business by organising counselling, training, and partnership-based business contact evolution activities. Other activities will carry positive social impact in terms of limiting social exclusion and communication exclusion as well as environmental enhancement, the project will also support tourism. All investments will be closely tied to activities involving strategic town management and improving the quality of local resident participation and collaboration. The project develops and strengthens gender equality. The project is needed to elliminate disproportions and diagnosed problems of all residents and users of the city. The final beneficiaries of the project are the city''s residents and all users of the city.
Fund availability pending, the town further intends to deliver auxiliary tasks, complementary to activities listed herein and funded from other sources.
Summary of project results
"Local Development of Hrubieszow - from participation to implementation" project responds to the strong loss of urban functions and the highly unfavorable socio-economic situation of the city of Hrubieszow in three main areas, i.e. unfavorable demographic trends, poor productivity (competitiveness) of the local economy and low quality of life in the city, as well as ineffectively functioning local administration. These challenges have become quite prominent in the context of Hrubieszow in recent years, largely influencing its development and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Hrubieszow, like many other cities in Poland, is struggling with the problem of an aging society and depopulation. High emigration of young people looking for work in larger cities or abroad, low fertility rates and the lack of attractive career prospects lead to a drastic decline in the population. In turn, the decreasing number of inhabitants has a negative impact on the labor market, the educational system and the quality of public services. The projects implemented as part of the project in this area were aimed at stopping these unfavorable trends by creating new jobs, supporting local social initiatives that could attract new residents or retain young people in the region, as well as developing educational, cultural, professional and creating attractive spaces that can improve the quality of life of older residents. Hrubieszow is also struggling with the problem of low competitiveness and productivity of the local economy, in particular in the context of the lack of innovative and highly developed industries and a small number of private investments, which means that the city is unable to compete with larger regional centers and does not take full advantage of its economic development potential. Therefore, the project activities included support for the development of new branches of the economy, such as tourism or information technologies, and improvement of the infrastructure necessary for their effective operation, as well as the promotion of innovative solutions. According to the conducted diagnoses, many aspects of the quality of life in Hrubieszow required improvement. This concerned both infrastructure and and public services provided. Problems with access to high-quality health, educational, cultural and transport services negatively affect the quality of life of residents. Additionally, neglected public space, lack of recreation areas, low air quality and other ecological issues constitute challenges that hinder the city''s development. The project focused its activities on improving urban infrastructure, revitalizing public spaces, improving the quality of the environment and increasing access to public services, which would ultimately contribute to increasing residents'' satisfaction and improving the overall quality of life in the city. From the perspective of the functioning of local government administration, Hrubieszow is struggling with the problem of an unsatisfactory level of strategic and operational management in public institutions subordinated to the Municipality of Hrubieszow and the ineffective implementation of public tasks that is related to it. Another problem here is the low level of cooperation and the lack of systematic monitoring of the quality of the administrative, social and technical services provided. That is why the project aimed to improve city management by implementing modern strategic planning tools, strengthening civic participation and increasing the transparency of decision-making processes. An important element was also the improvement of the ability of local government administration to effectively use available external and national funds and more efficient implementation of investment projects. A key aspect requiring intervention was also insufficient social participation, low civic activity among residents, lack of social dialogue and poor integration of various social groups, which in turn significantly hinders the building of coherent and effective development policies. This project aimed to strengthen civic participation, involving its residents in the processes of socio-economic development and other important decisions regarding the future of Hrubieszow, which is necessary to build a stronger local identity and a sense of responsibility for the future of the city. Challenges related to environmental protection, climate change, degradation of green areas, significant air pollution, high noise and insufficient waste management are also very important from the point of view of the sustainable development of Hrubieszow. Therefore, the project included activities aimed at improving the quality of the environment, implementing pro-ecological solutions, promoting pro-ecological initiatives among residents and local entrepreneurs, as well as strengthening such attitudes among children and young people. The project "Local Development of Hrubieszow - from participation to implementation" provided comprehensive support, contributing to increasing the quality of public services provided, improving the competences of local government administration employees in the field of strategic planning, and restoring the city''s attractiveness and competitiveness as an urban center that offers a high quality of life, career prospects and stable development through the integration of activities at various levels - from engaging residents to implementing modern solutions of the city management.
As part of the project entitled "Local Development of Hrubieszow - from participation to implementation" a number of activities and projects were implemented that contributed to the institutional development of the Municipality of Hrubieszow, as well as the creation of conditions for the development of a strong and open community of Hrubieszow and a green and pro-ecological Hrubieszow, thus revitalizing the economy of cities such as:
- conducting a two-day field training for employees of the Hrubieszow City Hall, during which each of its participants became familiar with the strategic planning model, developed their own standards of communication and cooperation and acquired knowledge and skills enabling effective strategic planning.
- conducting English language training for the management staff of the City of Hrubieszow, the staff implementing the activities of the Creative Center for Education and Economic Cooperation and selected local government employees of the City Hall.
- conducting a series of 4 one-day strategic training courses for management staff in the field of "Strategy Management", "Knowledge and Information Management", "Relationship Management" and "Reputation Management". The effect of the activity was to increase knowledge about the process of strategic planning and strategy implementation, techniques of acquiring, creating and using knowledge and information, the role of communication in shaping relations in the city, overcoming communication barriers and conflict situations, as well as building the image of the city by employees of the Hrubieszow City Hall.
- developing a model for the operation of KCEiWG, which will ultimately increase the efficiency and effectiveness of running and managing the new unit to support the residents of the City of Hrubieszow, including children and youth studying, with particular emphasis on local entrepreneurs and external investors.
- development of the Open Governance Strategy and internal and external communication system, preceded by the preparation of a diagnosis and conducting social consultations among residents.
- establishing bilateral cooperation with the foreign partner of the project - the Municipality of Elverum in Norway, the aim of which was to develop local business in Hrubieszow and increase its competitiveness and improve the quality of social services addressed to elderly and disabled people in Hrubieszow through the exchange of experience between the Municipality of Hrubieszow and the Municipality of Elverum in the development of local business in Hrubieszow and increasing its competitiveness as well as the operation and functioning of facilities ensuring the safety of people with special needs.
- development of the "Economic Promotion Strategy of the City of Hrubieszow for 2023-2030", the aim of which was to increase the effectiveness of KCEiWG activities in the field of economic promotion and marketing of the City of Hrubieszow, at the regional, national and international level for the purposes of stimulating economic development and attracting external investors.
- development and implementation of the Hrubieszow Business Academy - a pilot program of dedicated training and individual consulting for entrepreneurs and their employees with the development of individual diagnoses of the development, situation, condition and potential of 15 enterprises and increasing the knowledge of Program participants.
- conducting the "Young Entrepreneurs" competition addressed to children and young people, the aim of which was to develop their own business plan - original ideas for starting or developing a business based on local resources, potentials or products. One of the stages of the competition was to conduct workshops on the principleof document development and classes with substantive support for team supervisors during their creation.
- conducting classes for young people in programming and design; creative legos and robotics; Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) in the newly established ConceptLab studio.
- conducting methodological workshops for school principals, teaching staff and library employees, the program of which included the operation of a 3D printer and 3D printing technology and providing practical knowledge that will help use this technology at school, as well as training for employees of the Municipal Public Library in the field of field games, their types, rules and mechanisms related to creating tasks, arranging routes, creating regulations and scenarios, and designing games from the idea, through its adaptation, to the effect.
- conducting extracurricular activities in the field of ecological education for children from municipal kindergartens and primary school students as part of the EkoLab environmental workshop located in the building of Primary School No. 3 in Hrubieszow, as well as events such as competitions, ecological happenings and meetings with employees of the Roztocze National Park.
- conducting meetings integrating local business in order to build a platform for cooperation between the city and business, during which external experts provided current knowledge on topics important to entrepreneurs in the development of their companies.
- organizing expert shifts for local entrepreneurs with the participation of representatives of institutions important for business, during which entrepreneurs had the opportunity to benefit from current information on legal regulations.
- organizing the Hrubieszow Development Gala, the main goal of which was to present the "Hrubieszowski Business LIDER" awards. This distinction was awarded to entrepreneurs and their employees who, through their professional and social activities or the implementation of their tasks for the city of Hrubieszow, contributed to the promotion and development of the city of Hrubieszow or through their actions provided help and support to the local community.
- development and implementation of the Hrubieszow Resident Card - an innovative solution for city residents and local entrepreneurs. This card entitles you to discounts, allowances, exemptions and other privileges granted by organizational units of the Hrubieszow Municipality, municipal companies, other public units and institutions, sports clubs and entities organizationally related to the Hrubieszow City Hall, participating in the Program.
- creation of an interactive exhibition dedicated to famous inventors related to the Hrubieszow region. The ceremonial opening of the interactive information kiosk took place at the headquarters of the Municipal Public Library - Hrubieszow Heritage Center. Krystyna and Stefan Du Chateau.
- developing a concept for the development of a network tourism product (based on the core attractions of the city and the rural commune of Hrubieszow). As part of the task, a series of meetings in the form of workshops was also held, intended in particular for representatives of local government, cultural institutions, non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs from the tourism industry, devoted to the development of tourism in Hrubieszow and the Hrubieszow Commune. Detailed recommendations are included in the document "Concept of a network tourism product based on educational tourism", which is the basis for the implementation of the promotional campaign.
- development, production and installation of a 3D model and three bas-reliefs presenting the historical appearance of part of downtown Hrubieszow in the second half of the 19th century, on which approximately 250 generalized models of historic buildings in Hrubieszow, existing today and those no longer existing, were placed. The model space between the models of monuments was supplemented with an outline of the main streets located in the area of the reproduced monuments, taking into account the topography of the area.
- preparation and publication of a publication on the historical Hrubieszow (including its underground) - the diaries of Konstanty Marian Mścisław Stecki, titled "Hrubieszow. How many memories this name evokes!” presenting Hrubieszow through the author''s eyes in the years 1885-1900, during his stay in the city.
- creation of an audio guide - an innovative mobile application with a map of tourist attractions in the center of Hrubieszow, ideal for lovers of travel, history and discovering new places, which allows you to independently discover the charms of the city, listening to curiosities, stories and stories about the most important places and monuments. The application is available on iOS platforms and Android, so anyone who has a smartphone can use it. It also offers a navigation function that will designate a walking route to places of interest.
- creation of a Day Home for Seniors offering care and nursing services for people in need of help, food and assistance in developing and strengthening activity and independence in life, psychological assistance, counseling and support in solving difficult life situations and current everyday issues.
- development of new design solutions for the current bus stop at ul. Piłsudskiego 55 in Hrubieszow and development of its area in order to create a new Communication Center friendly to all users.
- development of the Monograph entitled "House and garden in the landscape of Hrubieszow" - 10+1 model concepts of contemporary houses and gardens inspired by local tradition and characteristic details by students of the Krakow University of Technology. Tadeusz Kościuszko in Krakow.
- publishing a catalog of design concepts for single-family houses and farmsteads in a garden setting "Hrubieszow house and garden with atmosphere".
The project "Local Development of Hrubieszow - from participation to implementation" has brought a number of results that have a positive impact on various recipient groups among the inhabitants of Hrubieszow, not only in the area of public administration, business and education, but above all, the entire local community. The most important results achieved as part of the implemented activities are the increase in the competences of public administration, the development of education among children and youth, the increase in the tourist attractiveness of the city, the development of urban infrastructure, increasing civic involvement, increasing the investment attractiveness of the city, sustainable development of the city and improving the quality of life of residents, especially seniors and people with disabilities, as well as strengthening cooperation between the public sector and local business and increasing the competitiveness of Hrubieszow companies. The main beneficiaries of the project were public administration employees (Hrubieszow City Hall and organizational units), local entrepreneurs and employees employed in their companies, children and young people attending municipal kindergartens and primary schools, teaching staff (teachers and directors of kindergartens and schools), seniors and people with disabilities, city residents and tourists. The project contributed to the increase in the competences of employees of the Hrubieszow City Hall and other municipal institutions, which had a direct impact on improving the quality of city management and more efficient implementation of activities for the benefit of residents. Thanks to the training, the administrative staff gained new skills in effective decision-making, project management and building relationships with residents and entrepreneurs. The project organized numerous initiatives aimed at integrating and supporting local entrepreneurs, increasing the efficiency of enterprises and their ability to attract new investments, improving the quality of services offered by local companies and their involvement in the development of the city, and increasing the number of young people interested in starting their own business. and developing their ideas, which was a significant impulse for the development of entrepreneurial attitudes among young people. The project also significantly influenced the development of competences among children and young people living in the city of Hrubieszow, increasing their awareness of the possibilities of entrepreneurship development, shaping pro-ecological attitudes and expanding knowledge and technological skills related to programming, robotics and the Internet of Things, which are important in the context of contemporary labor market. One of the main and most important results achieved as part of the project was the creation of a Day Home for Seniors - a special place offering a wide range of care, nursing and rehabilitation services. Seniors could benefit from professional care, psychological support, and take part in various forms of social activation.
In addition, activities carried out for the elderly included improving access to social services and their integration with younger generations through the organization of cultural and educational events. This project also significantly contributed to the promotion of the city thanks to modern tools, increasing the number of tourists coming to Hrubieszow and the recognition of the city as a place with great tourist potential, which translated into an increase in its attractiveness among other Polish cities. The implementation of the project also brought significant benefits from the point of view of the development of Hrubieszow, including activities related to environmental protection, which had a direct impact on increasing ecological awareness among children and young people who acquired knowledge using new technologies. As part of the project, the Hrubieszow Communication Center was built in the place of the current bus stop and the space around it was developed, improving not only the communication infrastructure and the quality of public transport, but also increasing the comfort of travelers, both city residents and tourists. The project also contributed to increasing the involvement of Hrubieszow residents in social life and decisions made at the local level. Participatory activities included meetings, consultations and workshops, which enabled residents to actively participate in decision-making processes regarding the development
of the city. Thanks to this, civic awareness, the sense of belonging to the local community and the readiness to cooperate with public administration increased. Attracting new investments is one of the long-term benefits that result from implementing development projects. Thanks to improved infrastructure, better management and support for entrepreneurs, Hrubieszow has become more attractive to potential investors. To sum up, the activities that were carried out as part of the project constitute comprehensive support in the development of the city and improvement of the life of its local community.