The aim of the proposed project is to strengthen multicultural environment in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague, which is a city with the highest number of foreigners in the Czech Republic. Specifically, the project aims to prevent the creation of and reduce negative attitudes towards foreigners, to support the majority in tolerance and solidarity towards foreigners and to increase knowledge about Czech culture and history among foreigners. We are targeting 2500 Czech citizens and 2800 migrants. The project has five activites and includes co-operation with Reykjavik Municipal Library.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to promote topic of multiculturalism among the public in the form of shared experience and personal meetings. This was done through a variety of activities designed for the general public as well as for foreigners-migrants and clients of InBáze. Our clients also participated in the creation of the program as lecturers. Multicultural programs attended min. 1181 people - children and adults. We organised 7 creative workshops, 8 cooking classes, 2 meetings with parents of story-telling and also 6 creative yards hold at public events organized by other entities. Atelier, creative studio for chlidren, was conducted on a regular basis. A „Migrating library“ was created: a library stand for free exchange of books. In the second half of the project the library migrated to the offices of the Ministry of the Interior, intercultural festival RefuFest and then it settled at an ex-railway station Žižkov (cultural venue). We have developed co-operation with the library in Reykjavik. There were organized two study trips (Iceland, Czech Republic) in order to exchange experiences and inspiration for future work in the field of integration of migrants and their integration into the mainstream society. The project contributed to mutual understanding between migrants and majority and through the events enhanced the cultural diversity. Foreigners had the opportunity to present the country of their origin and their cultuiral heritage, immigrant children had oportunity to see cultures of the countries of their friends-foreigners and culture of the Czech Republic (eg. the role of the library). The project expanded the range of multicultural programs in Prague.Thanks to the project InBáze gained extensive know-how in organizing new types of programs that we will implement after project completion. Activities offered met with high interest and positive feedback from both the migrants and clients, collaborators InBáze and the general and professional public.
Summary of bilateral results