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Konin is a post-industrial city that is currently undergoing a process of energy transformation,caused by the closure of large industrial plants that supported the Brown Coal Mines and the Power Plant,low level of entrepreneurship,high unemployment and depopulation of the city. Therefore,to order to counteract the current situation and the identified problems, the main goal of the project is to introduce Konin to a new development path, which is the Green City of Energy.As a part of the Institutional Development Plan,many goals have been planned: self-government ready to implement new path/ accessible/open to co-governance. We would like to create an office that will be open to wide participation, engaging, friendly, withmodern technologies and employees'' competencies ensuring the operation at the highest level. We will create an institution in which both, managers and employees, achieve the goals and directions of their organization.The results of the project will be a prosperous and entrepreneurial city, thanks to energy transformation, healthy balance, and creativity, human and environment-friendly technologies, interpersonal relations, and creativity,where the energy of people is combined with the energy of nature.As part of bilateral cooperation,Konin would like to receive support from Norwegian /Icelandic partnerships in the scope of activity:Integrated IT system for managing public administration units and development of new e-services.We plan to:exchange good practices from local government units.Getting to know the management system of the unit, including what e-services can be provided for residents.The method and form of management with the use of IT tools. We would like to implement the above joint activities through:study visits of representatives of project teamswith the partner and visits of the partner''s representatives in Konin/workshop and working meetings with project teams, combined with specialist/experts.
Summary of project results
Konin is a post-industrial city located in the center of Poland in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, with a population of about 70,000 people, (area of 82.2 square kilometers). The city of Konin is a medium-sized city losing its socio-economic functions, which is additionally undergoing an energy, social and economic transformation from 2020, due to the closure of the lignite mining industry.
The problems diagnosed in the Local and Institutional Development Plan are:
- highly unfavorable demographic indicators, resulting in a loss of residents and an aging population,
- residents, especially the younger generation, are skeptical about Konin''s future,
- insufficient support for the development of “flagship” products in the field of culture, education, also by the poor state of the infrastructure of cultural facilities,
- the dominance of coal mining and power generation (with a large share of cooperative industry), which is associated with the difficult situation of the above-mentioned sector,
- low rate of entrepreneurship, low participation of entities from creative sectors,
- deteriorating wage relations,
- low standards of operation and competence of the local public administration and the services it provides,
- “siloed” nature of the work of individual units of local administration and lack of effective flow of information both within offices and between them and citizens,
- low level of participation of residents in the processes of co-determination and co-management of cities,
- insufficient use of natural resources - geothermal waters,
- central location in the country, as well as communication accessibility,
- Serious environmental burden from the effects of mining, energy and industry (albeit with a tendency to improve),
- lack of spatial cohesion - a disintegrated city,
- low attractiveness of the city as a place to live, work, locate new businesses.
In connection with the diagnosed problems, 4 challenges emerged:
- industrial - Coal resources are running out in Konin and the surrounding area. There is also a shift away from traditional power generation based on non-renewable sources. Thus, the largest employers in the coal and energy sector are affected by the crisis and the number of jobs is shrinking.
- socio-economic - The low level of entrepreneurship in the city is increased by the habit of residents to the existing social security from factories. The spirit of cooperation and entrepreneurship is lacking.
- Socio-urban - Konin is characterized by low social activity. An additional problem here is the migration of potentially most active people and the general depopulation of the city, primarily from young people.
- Environmental - There are many areas in the city degraded by human activity. Water levels are declining, and air quality is not the best for much of the year. The difficult situation is compounded by accelerating climate change.
The implementation of the project “Generator of urban energy as a source of Konin''s success” contributed to the realization of the main goal, i.e. the introduction of Konin to the New Path of Development, which is the Green City of Energy in accordance with the Konin Development Strategy Plan 2020 - 2030.
The project was a flywheel for Konin''s development both socially, economically and environmentally.
The realized specific objectives are:
- Creativity generator - Konin becomes a city where “people want, can and act. They inspire each other. They create a strong community. They feel connected to the city.”
- Energy transformation - Konin is becoming a leader in new clean energy.
The City Development Strategy Plan 2020-2030 includes a provision: “We strive to be an expert in energy transformation in Poland, using modern economy and renewable energy.” The city, based on locally accumulated knowledge and experience, natural resources, location, land, infrastructure, seizes the opportunity for the emergence of a local energy market, expands control over the capacity to generate electricity, heat.
- Healthy balance - a city in healthy balance. This is precisely the kind of Konin that the oldest residents remember, a small, but “complete” city, where one could both study, work and rest, easy to get around on foot, without a hurried pace - a “city to live in.” Today, under different conditions, in a different spatial shape, such a view of the city is being restored, where residents are happy to leave home to spend time together in a friendly urban space. They have a place to rest. They move around the city easily and pleasantly. They take care of themselves and nature.
Implemented activities:
- Effective project management (Management of the New Development Path),
- Establishment of a platform for cooperation - exchange of experience (information on the city''s sub-site - Educational and promotional activities of the New Development Path)
- Raising the level of services provided by TSU (Improving the qualifications and competence of employees),
- Creation of an application that allows people with special needs to move safely in urban space (Application - accessible urban space),
- Streamlining and raising the standards of local government operations in the areas of, among others: local taxes and fees, electronic local services (Integrated IT system for management of public administration units and development of new e-services),
- Developing a Senior Policy for the City of Konin for 2022-2030,
- Organization of 4 campaigns for young people “To be an Entrepreneur”,
- Preparation of energy audits for 12 municipal buildings (Program “Efficient and low-carbon construction” with audits for municipal buildings, school buildings and public utilities),
- Improving the energy standard of 2 municipal residential buildings (Energy Modernization of Municipal Buildings),
- Development of design and cost estimate documentation for the construction of a footbridge over the Ulga Canal, together with the construction of a bicycle path and accompanying infrastructure (1 item).
- Construction of a footbridge over the Relief Canal from Pociejewo Island to the right bank of Konin, together with the construction of a bicycle path and accompanying infrastructure.
The result of the project “Urban energy generator a source of success for Konin”
is a prosperous and entrepreneurial city, thanks to energy transformation, healthy balance and creativity.
Project results:
- Implementation and realization of strategic management - implementation of the Statement of Strategic Undertakings - New Development Path,
- Participation of the city in the EMPiRIE Experience Exchange Networks: green city, citizens'' city, city resources - finance and network for leaders
- Improving the qualifications and competencies of 124 employees in order to raise the level of services provided by TSU
- Creation of 1 application - accessible urban space, allowing people with special needs to move safely in urban space
- Implementation of an integrated IT system for the management of public administration units (1 unit) and development of e-services (10 units) to improve and raise the standards of local government operations in the areas of, among others: local taxes and fees, electronic local services
- Development of Senior Policy for the City of Konin for 2022-2030 (1 item) for senior citizens of Konin
- Organization of 4 campaigns for young people “To be an Entrepreneur”. The workshops benefited 108 high school pupils/students,
- Preparation of energy audits for 12 municipal buildings
- Development of 6 pieces of technical documentation with a building permit to improve the energy standard of municipal buildings
- Energy modernization of 2 municipal buildings where Konin residents live
- Development of design and cost estimate documentation for the construction of a footbridge over the Ulga Canal along with the construction of a bicycle path and accompanying infrastructure (1 unit)
- Construction of a footbridge over the Relief Canal from Pociejewo Island to the right bank of Konin together with construction of a bicycle path and accompanying infrastructure (1 item).