Effective Leader-Volunteer in Local Communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association ""We can do more together""(PL)
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Based on observations, talks and a survey joined by 32 associations and rural homemakers’ clubs from our home Żyraków commune (Dębicki district, Podkarpackie province), we have identified local problems, such as high demand for equipping volunteers with new skills and appreciating their commitment (80% of individuals surveyed claimed they did not feel that their activities were noticed or acknowledged by anyone). We also organised social discussions attended by commune residents and took part in consultations regarding the preparation of the Strategy for the Dębicki District. Inhabitants claimed they were willing to engage in volunteering activities and in the implementation of their own initiatives, but they needed knowledge and tools. We will address these problems by training 25 volunteers to engage in grassroot initiatives for local communities in their villages located in the Żyraków commune. We will train them in principles and good practices of voluntary work, and in recruitment. We will also teach them how to motivate others to engage in social activities and how to build local cooperation. Trainees will also find out how to establish relations within group and how to integrate it, will take part in a meeting devoted to personal development and ways to stay motivated. Trained volunteers will diagnose local community needs and then will implement 8 initiatives engaging other commune inhabitants in them. With support provided by the Community Council in Żyrakow, the Social Leader Organisation Centre will be established – holding workshops, but also serving as a local meeting point for discussions and planning joint activities. We will publish a calendar with photos of most active individuals in our district and will organise a Volunteering Gala, inviting local authorities and entrepreneurs, so that we can get to know one another better and present outcomes of our enterprise.

Summary of project results

Based on observations, conversations, and a survey conducted with 32 associations and rural housewife circles in the Żyraków municipality (Dębica County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship) where we operate, we managed to identify local problems. We knew that there was a significant need to equip volunteers with new skills and appreciate their local engagement (80% of respondents stated that they didn''t feel that their actions were noticed or appreciated). We also organized public consultations involving residents of the municipality and participated in consultations regarding the preparation of the strategy for Dębica County. The residents indicated their willingness to engage in volunteer activities and implement their own initiatives but expressed a need for knowledge and tools.

We responded to these issues by training 25 volunteers to carry out grassroots initiatives for local communities in their villages within the Żyraków municipality. We provided training on the principles and best practices of volunteering, recruitment, and motivating others to engage in social activities, as well as building local cooperation. These individuals also learned how to build relationships within a group, foster integration, and participated in a meeting on personal development and maintaining motivation. The trained volunteers each gathered seven people from their respective localities and conducted a needs assessment for the local communities. Subsequently, they implemented eight initiatives involving other residents of the municipality. With the support of the Żyraków Municipality Office, the Center for Social Leaders was established, serving as a venue for workshops and local meetings for discussions and joint planning. We published a calendar titled "People Need Roots and Wings," featuring photos of the most active individuals in our municipality, showcasing the stories of 12 people full of civic passion who are changing the world. We organized a Volunteer Gala, inviting authorities and local businesses, to present the project''s achievements.

Surveys and conversations indicate that our activities have changed the participants'' attitudes. They have gained confidence in their abilities, realized their influence, and their ability to gain allies. Furthermore, volunteers now possess significantly more knowledge about volunteering-related topics and have become aware of their strengths and weaknesses.



Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.