Awareness raising on climate change adaptation measures in Czech towns using the Norwegian practice

Project facts

Project promoter:
CI2 o. p. s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 37,667
The project is carried out in:


The main drawback is the little knowledge of a climate change (CC) in the Czech Republic among ordinary citizens, but also among local and regional politicians. The project aims to raise awareness of representatives of public administration and public in Czech cities of adaptation measures to CC in progress and it is reflected in the management of the city. The particular experience of Norwegian cities will be transferred to the Czech conditions. For these reasons the brochure of good practice examples and methodology on adaptation strategies will be prepared and disseminated. In two towns – Hrádek n. N. and Nový Bor these measures will be implemented in a local city planning. In these towns there will be also several campaigns organised for the public about CC and its local impacts. At the end, a conference for experts and policy planners will be held in one of the above mentioned towns. The project partner is TØI – Transportøkonomisk Institute. Its role is to collect and present the Norwegian good practice examples.

Summary of project results

The project responded mainly on low awareness of the public and elected regional and local politics about the issue of climate change and possibilities how to deal with it (adaptation and mitigation). Realization of the project succeeded to increase awareness mainly of politicians and also of public in cities involved in the project. The main output focused on politicians of cities in Czechia was creating a brochure of studies from Norway and methodics how to compile the local adaptation strategy. Both documents helped to increase the awareness about adaptation measures connecting with local climate changes. Target group gained information that topic connected with climate change is in foreign countries very actual and how it is going to be solved. Project outputs eased understanding how to combine adaptation strategy in smaller cities (7,000 - 12,000 inhabitants). Metodic for adaptation strategy was tested on the towns Nový Bor and Hrádek nad Nisou. Both documents are highly desired by cities. Within whole preparation cycle of creating new adaptation strategy there were information campaigns mainly focused on the public. Overall 983 residents were addressed and 150 children directly attended the activities for the public. Hereafter a number of local partners, voluntary associations and other subjects involved. The wider education part of the project, was followed by the activity „round tables“ for stakeholders. The main pillars of the newly created strategies were based. The adaptation strategy of impacts on climate change was successfully presented to local politicians of both cities at the end of the project. Focusing on the awareness rising, there was one international conference organised, website was created and five separate issues of project newsletter were published. Conference ratings were very positive, the quality and attendance due to politicians and especially of the Norwegian ambassador and norway experts present was very high. The newsletter volumes issued in terms of the project came up with many articles focused on the development of the project and news in climate change and it’s impacts on Czechia and the world itself.

Summary of bilateral results

Partnership is from point of view of the content and outputs of project rated positively. The experiences from Norwegian cities were thanks to the partner more effectively and in easier way transfered to target groups in Czech Republic. Norwegian cities are struggling with similar issues as the cities in Czech Republic. Partner also recommended few experts in the field of adaptation on impacts of climate change from Norway who also attended the conference in Liberec. This also started a transfer of experiences in topic from CZE to Norway. We believe that despite of the administration problems the partner will again cooperate with CI2. The form of cooperation represents equal partnership between both institution and it’s necessity for successful realization of the project. In mutual discussion suitable case studies were selected from Norwegian cities and their aspects were discussed. Partner was in charge of selecting and preparation of these studies and realizator was in charge of their final editation and translation. Thanks to the Norwegian partner the awareness of outputs within the target group was amplified and finally also the presence Norwegian ambassador helped to the prestige and promotion of the conference event in the media.