School without Grades

Project facts

Project promoter:
No grades school foundation(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Ny-Krohnborg Centre for learning
culture and sports(NO)
Other Project Partners
Ringier Axel Springer PL sp.z o.o(PL)

More information


Pupils in Polish schools are used to a certain pattern: sub-chapter – chapter – quiz – grades. Our observations show that this model does not allow them to pursue their passions and interests. It also leads to conflicts between teachers and parents. We want to do something about it. We target our activities at schools in the entire Poland. We will start a public discussion on the grading system, and we will demonstrate its negative impact on the educational process. We will start from an online conference during which we will present project assumptions to school administrative bodies, schools, and parents. Together with our partner, the portal (Ringier Axel Springer Polska), we will launch a social campaign to make parents and pupils aware that they can also engage in the preparation of school documents. The partner will support us with its rich media experience. We will pay a study visit to Bergen in Norway organised by our second partner, Ny-Krohnborg Senter for oppvekst, kultur og Idrett – a Norwegian educational institution that will share its working methods with us. We will utilise our knowledge acquired there to organise provincial debates on the Polish system of education and participation in school, inviting people teaching and working in schools, parents and pupils. We will also analyse conformity of 100 school statutes with the Polish law. Within the project we will hold webinars on evaluation, parents’ role in school, as well as parents’ and pupils’ engagement in school organisation. We will present all materials and opinions gathered, along with the Norwegian educational model during a conference summarising our initiative.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.