Amnesty International Human Libraries - from reading to opening

Project facts

Project promoter:
Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 36,544
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj


The project is aimed at sensitization and addressing and confronting attitudes of pupils and students of primary and secondary schools to people who are frequent targets of discrimination or prejudice in the form of project days, culminating in an interview sessions with the so-called ""human books"" - representatives of the groups to which stereotypes exist (Roma, homosexuals, foreigners etc.). The project also adds to the benefits from the Human Books´ stories through a wider audience with educational materials for teachers, lecturers as well as peer-students.

Summary of project results

The project reacted to the worsening social environment in the Czech society. The target group were pupils of secondary schools, university students, teachers and members of minorities. The human rights education is one of the priorities of the Amnesty International and we will deal with the issue. The Human library showed up to be an effective tool to reduce stereotypes and we can afford to continue in it thanks to volunteering of our human books and lecturers. The lecturers and the human books took part in a lecture. There were five project days with Human libraries at the secondary schools in Brno. The students and the human books gave us feedback via interview and also via questionnaire. The local office could buy needed tools, expand the capacity of the regional office and rent place for the activities. A new web application emerged which aimed at support of an equal attitude to Roma issues and education. We created 11 comics about the stories of the human books and subsequently create a comics exhibition. We organized the seminar with human library for the teachers. We also created a methodological guide for teachers. We made several changes in order to help the target group within the project: We held the evaluating session at the end of each project day in order to find out the impact of the project on the students. We found out that 94 % of students gained new knowledge about the human rights issue and 59 % of them is interested in participating in activism. Concerning the teachers, 92 % use our methods and tools. 80 % gained new knowledge and abilities and 83 % organized any kind of activities on human rights. 52 % of the lecturers took part in at least 3 living libraries, 88 % of the lecturers and living books used some of the gained abilities in their private life. 61 % of living books were interested in participation in the activism.

Summary of bilateral results