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Why is the project needed? Which situation or problem does the project aim to address? (provide reference to evidence, include reference to the relevant laws or policies, where relevant) (max 500 characters)The main goal of the project is to improve air quality by increasing the production of energy from renewable sources (biogas). This project is compatible, inter alia, with the following strategic EU, national and local documents, as it promotes the use of renewable energy sources (biogas): - the Clean Energy package of the European Commission - Polish energy policy until 2040 - development strategy for the fuel and energy sector - a project of the Małopolska Program for Air
How will the project address these challenges? (please summarize the main activities and deliverables plannedto address these challenges) (max 500 characters)Thanks to the project, heating system will become an "effective system", in acc. with Dir. 2012/27/EU at least 50% of energy from renewable sources and waste heat will be used to produce heat (100% heat from cogeneration). Main activities: - supplying existing and planned cogener. modules through the use of spherical tanks - addition of 2 cogeneration modules with a capacity of approx. 800kWel - expansion of the low-parameter heat network covering the planned use of cogeneration to heat building