Alfa community centre for families with handicapped children

Project facts

Project promoter:
Alfa Human Service
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 32,791
The project is carried out in:


The project includes the complex services for families with handicapped children, namely a long-term regular community centre (the children`s club, the relaxation classes for parents, consultancy), three 6-days family camps (common program for familes, the developing program for children led by educated personal assistants, the certificated education for parents) and xtended internet portal Alfabet (contacts on experts, activities, non-profitable organizations, the regular chats with experts, documents for downloads).

Summary of project results

Alfa-contact‘s community centre for families with disabled children project was useful in respect to missing support for nurturing parents guaranteed by the state in actual social and following services for families in the Czech republic. Support services for nurturing families, called „Early care“ are fixed only for the category of families with children from the age 0 to 7. The existing network for these children in the Czech Republic enables to draw the support for parents. After the leaving the social system of Early care the nurturing parents henceforth need long term to help by the way of education, consultancy and activities leading to strengthening their psychical stability. The parent decides, selects, confirms and at home milieu provides nonstop services with no respect for weekends, working days or its own health, personal or psychical statement. This situation doesn’t finish when the child is at the age of 7, on the contrary the older age of the child brings new and new problems to solve. The services of the Alfa project allowed receive at least some of the clients/parents this important support. Targets of the project’s activities were primarily focused on the support of psychical stability and parental competencies of nurturing people. In terms of the project’s realisation were the targets fulfilled exactly according to the project’s application by the accredit education of 30 nurturing parents,by individual consultancies with parents and by individual work with 27 children. The link-up of the allowed service in the Czech Republic is afforded by the fact, that it is necessary to adjust a systematically and by the state guaranteed proceedings targeted on the support of similar professional and financially available services for long term nurturing parents.

Summary of bilateral results