Actively, professionally and locally bound environmental counselling

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Union for Nature Conservation - Basic Organization Veronica
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 35,810
The project is carried out in:


The most of Czech citizens still do not have even a basic awareness about impacts of their behaviour on the environment. The link between impact of everyday activities and local, regional and global context is not familiar to the most of them. The aim of the project is to improve and innovate citizen and administration education to achieve more responsible approaches to environmental issues, sustainable development and responsible consumer behaviour through ecological counselling, development of biodiversity conservation in municipalities, transmission of new informations by new ways and through series of excursions and workshops (see with one’s own eyes, by one’s own hands). The target group is a broad public (clients of ecological counselling service, receivers of new informations, participants of excursions and seminars), environmentally focused NGO and administration and nature protection authorities. The project will be realized by the applicant, without partners in donor countries.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to improve and innovate education of citizens and public administration to more responsible approach to the environment, sustainable development and responsible consumer behaviour. It should increase the interest of the citizens about their surroundings, the environment, to reduce environmental pollution and increase environmentally friendly purchasing strategies. Objectives of the project were achieved, in the long run will hopefully reduce the burden on the environment, and increase of environmentally friendly behaviour and environmental purchasing policies. The project developed outputs: a) innovative eco-counselling service (a total of 935 registered responses) and updated internet “Ecomap” (407 new map points) b) 4 seminars and 1 learning material dedicated to the care of trees outside of forests to state and local governments; printed publications and 1 seminar on how to organize an event of Christmas sales and the spring planting of live Christmas trees; about 108 administrative procedures for felling in Brno and logging in 17 of these proceedings and four expert opinions on the trees; one survey "Brno Tree of the year 2015" c) 10 new short practical environmental consultancy videos, 12 advisory files and two longer studies (cosmetics impacts on the environment and health; laboratory analysis comparing a selected kind of food and organic food). d) five excursions and five workshops focused both on areas to which the public often asks (eg. where the waste ends?) and partly on new topics (bouquets of wild herbs, edible weeds, home-made reed-bed sewage treatment plant). The general public received new or updated information and perhaps even started to behave more environmentally conscious. Target group of environmental non-profit organization has received information and motivation how to engage in practical conservation action by organizing the sale of Christmas firs; state agencies and conservation in the South Moravian region received information about how to "rescue" and founding the planting of trees in municipalities. All projected results of the project were successfully fulfilled.

Summary of bilateral results