Today student tomorrow worker. Eqal opportunities for everyone

Project facts

Project promoter:
State School nr 14 Inclusive/Integrative named after John Paul II in Radom(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Sudurnes Comprehensive College(IS)

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The aim of the project is cooperation and experience exchange between schools with students of similar educational and developmental needs.
Because Sudurnes Comprehensive College like PSP 14 Inclusive provides inclusive education and preparing students for future life challenges, the staff deems necessary knowing exemplary systems and methods of work.
The project involves bilateral participants exchange, observation of “job shadowing” activities, learning about inclusive educational systems, exchange of experiences so as to minimize deficits that students from different social backgrounds with less educational possibilities have to endure.
The project is done by 8 teachers of different specialisations from each school including management, subject teachers and specialists assisting students with special educational needs.
 The project’s results will benefit all the teachers, specialists, and management.
Expected project results:
- learning and implementing the model, methods and manner of inclusive education, bilateral experience exchange
- creating a polish model of inclusive education and improvements to the system currently existing in the school
- developing and gradual implementation of pedagogical innovation – inclusive education with vocational preparation – chef, IT specialist/technician
- improvement of pedagogical and didactic skills of the teachers involved in the process inclusive education
Dissemination and using of the results is long-term and targeted at many groups, school community (teachers, students, parents,) and local community: inclusive and special schools.
 Our activities and results will be aimed for teachers from Poland and Europe, promoting European projects, sharing acquired knowledge during training, workshops and conferences.


Summary of project results

The main objective of the project was to learn and develop skills in the application of methods and forms of working with students in the inclusive learning through cooperation with Sudurnes Comprehensive College from Iceland. It was possible to exchange experiences, observations and views related to inclusive learning. The project was needed to learn about the model of inclusive teaching, to improve the skills of the teaching staff in this area and to teach and support other schools in inclusive education. Two mobilities were carried out to the Icelandic  and to the Polish school. During the events, teachers learned about the specifics of the work of institutions, conducted job shadowing activities and practiced methods of this education, e.g. modifying, adapting the school the teachers to follow the student, vocational education. A conference and workshops for school principals, teachers of institutions educating children from SEN with the participation of teachers from Iceland (36 people) were organized, where the school''s work and inclusive teaching were discussed. During the workshops, participants learned how to apply inclusive teaching in their daily work. There was an activity of integrating and including the entire school community, partner, city authorities - Educational Sports Olympiad (60 people). The Beneficiary  with the Partner, has developed an information brochure on inclusive education, the Icelandic model of education and conclusions and guidelines for action. There were 2 workshops for teachers of educational institutions on the subject of inclusive teaching (57 people each). The result of the project was the development and implementation of the educational innovation "ACADEMY OF VARIETY. YOU ARE THE SMITH OF YOUR FATE", where students have the opportunity to develop their interests  through a number of practical activities, vocational training for healthy students and SPE (culinary, IT – 3D printing, sewing, photographic, cosmetic classes are planned). The project enabled the Teachers of the Beneficiary and the Partner to: cooperate, exchange experience, knowledge and skills implemented in inclusion; continuation of cooperation in the EOG component 1 project; the opportunity to learn, for personal and professional development; to increase the motivation to use of modern technologies.The awareness of children''s needs and the ability to properly influence increases the comfort of operation at school and at home.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with one of the Donor States has brought many benefits to the Project Promoter. Due to the fact that the partner school is an exemplary institution educating students in the field of social skills, mathematics, physical education, English and vocational subjects. The staff of the Polish school was able to broaden their knowledge of ways of working beneficial for students with special educational needs. Our cooperation, exchange of experience allowed to to get to know more deeply the principles, methods and forms of work of inclusive teaching in practice. This is very important for changing the model of inclusive education, which is implemented in the coordinator''s institution, as well as is a teaching trend throughout Europe. The project activities had a positive impact on both facilities. Guests from the Icelandic institution observed the school life of the Beneficiary with interest, expressed appreciation on the ways of including SEN students in school events, were impressed by the work of teachers, declared the introduction of observed solutions in their institution. At the same time, based on their experience with inclusive learning, they gave valuable guidance for the job. The main result of the cooperation is the development of a pedagogical innovation "ACADEMY OF VARIETY. YOU ARE THE SMITH OF YOUR FATE" preparing the Beneficiary''s youth for life and work. In addition, there was a mutual expansion of knowledge and skills of inclusive education and implementation in teaching in both Polish and Icelandic schools (eg. classes outside the classroom, change in the way of working with the student, frequent use of multimedia, didactic games, inclusion of SEN children in all activities of the class and school, flexibility in teaching). Teachers of the Polish school broaden their knowledge during subsequent trainings in the field of inclusive education. Further cooperation between the institutions is continued in another project under the EEA Grants.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.