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Project "Edu-Action 2022-2023: developing an educational strategy supporting social inclusion and distance learning. Polish, Norwegian and Icelandic context" is a natual development of the experience and knowledge developed by the partner group in 2017-2021 during the implementation of join initiatives, inlc. seminars, and sciense research.
A partner group composed of higher education institutions from Poland, Iceland and Norway and the primary and secondary education sector from iceland and Norway intends to implement in-depth tasks aimed at changing economic and social differences within the EEA through, among others: 1. implementation of joint initiatives (workshops, conferences, concerts), 2. developmente of the distance learning, 3. leading tripartite research aimed at developing an educational strategy supporting social inclusion, 4. preparing two permanent results incl. supporting of the "chil;d welfare education" idea (which are: a monograph "Inclusive education as a tool for social inclusion" and a publication written in Braille including QR code with recording of music works by Polish, Norwegian and Icelandic composers"), 5. preparation a two new training methods in on-line form (promotion of distance learning and supporting a cerrer guidance, among others).
Benefitians: students, researchers and eduators, institutional staff and institutions.
Project impact: strengthening tripartite relations, productiong a permanent results strenghtening social inclusion, development od blended learning in art''s educational sector, development of the internationalisation level of the partner''s group members, promotion a pro-ecological attitude.
An extra impact: signaling the need for changing an educational strathegy foe the educational organs, in the field of artistic education, in the changing world.
Summary of project results
All taken actions were a response to the preceived need to provide students of musical schools with new tools for work, strengthening social skills of educators, and in the long term - to increase the social role of education. The project also created a positive platform for the exchange of experiences between educators from Poland, Iceland and Norway and certainly led to the strenghtening of tripartite relations, becoming an important factor in increasing the level of internationalization. The aim was among others: indicating the social role of education, reducing social differences, developing a culture of quality education, increasing the level of internationalization of the Leader and Partners, developing common soulution in education process.
This project set four stategic goals, detailed descibed in detail in the apllication form. Thanks to the work of the team of educatiors from Poland, Iceland and Norway, the project delivered four products: 1. publication in braille, 2. a monograph "Education as an impulse to social inclusion", 3. new trainings methods - a cycle of workshops dedicated to students from the artistic academiec, 4. a cycle of workshops supporting the well-being of students and their soft skills. Apart from the intellectual outputs, the project entailed five international dissemination events including seminars, concerts and press conference.
As a result of the project, new methods of musica education were developed based on on-line lessons, thus establishing of this form in comparision to stationary classes as a substaintively valuable supplement. Another product -in Braille - opened up an opportunity for blind students to learn about Norwegian and Polish culture, and the actiivity itself was a clear message to this group of recipients that it is important and appreciated in the education sector, which in turn is an activity towards social inclusion. Another product - the monograph - gathered 22 educators from different countries and represented various fields, as extreme as music and medicine, but thanks to joint work, the interdisciplinary team managed to develop common denominators for various fields, focusing on socially important issues such as depression and the problem of suicide among children and adolescents and on this basis, develop a manual supporting educators in working with adolescents and young adults. The main targer group was the educators and students of music schools, but some of the products concern educators and students in genral.
Summary of bilateral results
Implementation of the Project without Partnerst from Iceland and Norway would be inconsistent with its validity: education system of countries originating from the Nordic circle is oftten given as possitive example for other countries. So partnersjip with educational institutions from this area had a special value. Additionally in those [nordic] countries we can see that the "amateu musical movementr" prospers on a very good level, and plays an important social role in the cultural but also economic context. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing, that this was not a partnershop "for the purpose of a grant competition", but resulting from mutual, long-term and strong relationships, as well as a real need to try to transfer good practices to Poland (and back - to Iceland and Norway) and create an unique platform for the exchange of reflections. The Project Group has a longlasting experience, build on common trust, respect and empathy, and - whcih is obvious - has in plan future cooperation. The Partnership was defenitely strengthened, and conclusions form evaluation on-going and ex-post will certainly be value in next projects.