Active ecological education program ""Biodiversity - the wealth of the village

Project facts

Project promoter:
Earth and People Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN)(NO)

More information


Why is the project needed? Which situation or problem does the project aim to address? (provide reference to evidence, include reference to the relevant laws or policies, where relevant) (max 500 characters) 

The agricultural landscape still retains the enormous natural richness of species. Many agricultural areas are included in protected landscape areas and national park buffer zones. The natural diversity of the Polish countryside should be treated as a special value, worth preserving and caring for. Hence, it is necessary to shape the ecological awareness of rural inhabitants and common education on the importance of biodiversity for the well-being of present and future generations. 


Scheduled activities for the project: 

• 20 two-day traditional training courses and a new edition of e-learning training for professionals 

• Reprint and distribution of the 3-volume series of publications "Biodiversity of rural areas" 

• Competition "Map of the richness of rural biodiversity" for school children and residents 

• Educational stands at agricultural fairs, festivals etc. 

• Updating and running the portal 

• Project profile on the Facebook community portal 


The project aims to increase the awareness of the inhabitants of rural areas in the subject of biodiversity protection in agricultural areas, in particular in the context of climate change. 


The target group of the project are all inhabitants of rural areas, in particular farmers, students and employees of local government units. 


The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences: 

- indicates specific solutions showing how to reach the target group of young people with education, 

- shows the way to combine knowledge with the practice of building a green civil society, 

- shares knowledge about Norwegian wetlands and issues related to their protection that can be implemented in Poland,  

- disseminates information on the project and its results in Norway  

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.