This project responds to the demand of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Brno and widely in South Moravian Region. The project activities are designed on the basis of the needs analysis we carried out among NGOs we cooperate with. The main problem is a fragmented supply of services in the area of volunteerism and the work with volunteers such as volunteers addressing or lack of professionalism. The objective of the project is to achieve an interconnected non-governmental sector which is willing to cooperate not only in the sphere of education but also experience exchange and maximally utilized potential of youth in the volunteer´s area. The target groups are NGOs and volunteers. The project has also positive impact on the local community. Last but not least is our NGO which needs to reinforce its capacity to accomplish the objectives and to improve its supply.
Summary of project results
Through its activities the project has enhanced and reinforced the volunteering potential in Brno and the whole South Moravian region. Organisations and informal groups highlighted as most valuable especially the educational opportunities for volunteers coordinators. it´s aim was to facilitate the experience exchange and sharing and to create an operational platform for cooperation. Realizing DC67´s activities, we have visited 46 organisations. We have prepared quality evening programmes promoting voluntary activities, consulted with people interested in volunteering, provided the venue for free and organized two thematic volunteer groups. We have also realized two networking meetings and eight workshops and initialized the cooperation of newly established network. Particular young volunteers were introduced in organization and group activities and exchange of volunteers between cooperating organisation was launched, which resulted into their involvement in thematic groups offering opportunities for personal development, reproducing the model of DC67´s evening programmes. NGOs valued positively the opportunity to meet the others, to attend educational workshops and network establishment. The whole concept works as a motivation enhancer, we invite each other to panel discussions, together present our activities at schools, mutually offer workshop vacations. The actual voluntary work serves as significant plus value for local authorities, for public and enterprises, whose are encouraged to participate in volunteer activities.
Summary of bilateral results