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Activities result from local strategic documents for 17 partner municipalities, all 40 adaptation and mitigation measures are line with local development priorities. The project will be implemented in an area exposed to extreme weather phenomena – in 2020, record-breaking torrential downpours were recorded, the effects of which were widely commented on in nationwide media. The project is therefore a coherent, an adequate and coordinated response to the real challenges related to climate change.
The implementation of 40 measures will contribute to better management of rainwater, mitigating the effects of drought and climate change, promoting small retention solutions, saving water and energy resources and reducing CO2 emissions related to the extraction process and water distribution. Among the planned investments will be sets of rainwater tanks, creation of rain gardens and new green spaces to improve local microclimate and air quality.
To increase the capacity of the local community to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change in 17 municipalities through green-blue infrastructure and an educational and awareness campaign.
The target group is the local community – residents of partner municipalities. Results will be available to general public, and educational activities will be addressed to all inhabitants and schools.
The partner will participate in:
1. Organization of a study visit concerning blue-green urban infrastructure projects and solutions in Oslo, Norway.
2. Presentation at the conference opening and closing the project in Poland.
3. Participation as an expert in online workshops on blue-green infrastructure.
4. Contribution to the content of the good practice guide for blue and green infrastructure.
The partnership will allow for effective exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices and strengthening bilateral relations. A long-term cooperation is expected as a result beyond the project.