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The need to realize the project originates, above all, from the necessity to limit negative effects of climate changes and issues occurring in the area of support, related to, i.e.: occurrence of urban island of heat effects, air pollution, lack of solutions in the scope of use of rainwater and low ecological awareness of the society. Compliance of the project with Low Emission Economy Plan for Wyszków Commune, Local Revitalization Programme for the Wyszków Commune for the years 2018-2023.
In the frames of the project comprehensive actions will be implemented to enable easing of climate changes and adjusting to them, among others: introducing small water retention and green elements in built-in areas, including so far not used solutions (green walls), modernizing street light systems and promoting bike riding as an alternative to cars. Furthermore, multi-faceted campaign to increase ecological awareness of the commune inhabitants was planned.
-increasing green areas - limiting the emission of CO2 and the effects of urban island of heat - managing rainwater - increasing awareness of inhabitants in the scope of climate changes
Project target group includes all inhabitants of Wyszków commune who will gain calculable benefits from project realization (improvement of living conditions and general state of natural environment).
The project is implemented in partnership with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS – SGGW and the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). Added value: exchange of experience and know-how between institutions in the field of solutions and good practices concerning mitigation and adaptation to climate change, presentation of concrete ideas and proposals that could be used by the Commune of Wyszków in the future in order to effectively adapt to the ongoing process of climate change, to obtain advice on the development of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan as well as to establi