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Project aim is audiovisual education and young audience development. To attract and involve children and youth, it is important to work closely with the adults (parents, teachers) who suggest or bring the young spectators to the cinema therefore we have to contribute to the audiovisual education of teachers and adults that would allow to improve their understanding of the everpresent importance of films, videos, clips not only in their everyday life but also in the development and personal growth of the young audiences.To continue the ongoing work with the young audiences during last couple of years and achieve these goals, as part of the project “Youth film masterclasses and teachers'' education” Kino Bize will implement educational course for teachers during which we will collectively design Kino Bize Home Cinema new platform for school screenings with additional film educational materials in order for teachers to be able to enrich film screenings with educational texts, videos and activities; as well as in cooperation with Apagon AS from Bergen, Norway we will implement youth filmmaking masterclasses (from 11 to 16 years of age) in Riga and regions of Latvia. The cinema lectures for teachers and youth masterclasses will be available onsite and online to be able to easily adapt to governmental health restrictions and to reach the interested teachers and youngsters regardless of their place of residence or access.
Summary of project results
The project was needed to develop film education without charge to both teachers
and pupils, in order for teachers to implement film theory in the daily educational
practices and pupils to consider immersing themselves more into cinema.
During the project there were 12 online lectures for teachers on film language and
film history. A digital catalogue for teachers and pupils was created which included
34 Latvian films and related methodological materials for creative learning for age
groups from grades 1 to 12. As well as 24 filmmaking workshops for pupils in
Latvia, and two online workshops for wider audiences available at all times.
The digital catalogue with methodological materials has helped teachers to have
cinema as a learning tool in their daily educational process, whereas the 250
teachers that attended the lectures online are now more comfortable in talking
about film with their students and don''t hesitate to include film history to learn
about different subjects. The workshops for pupils raised interest in filmmaking,
with some of them considering studies in cinema after they finish primary school or
high school.
The main result of the project was to create lectures that are available on request by
the participating teachers and more educators in the future, as well as to encourage
watching films and using their materials in daily studying processes. Additionally,
the goal of the project was to teach pupils how easy it is to start creating short films
at home on their own. The numeric result is the teachers and pupils reached with
the help of this project.
The project helped it''s beneficiary to materialise a project that has been a long
standing wish – but was never to be fulfilled because the main goal was to have the
events, lectures and materials accessible without any participation fees. Without the
financial support, the investment in education, it wouldn''t have been possible.
The beneficiary of the project can already notice that teachers and pupils are
getting more and more used to implementing film theories and practises in their
daily studies, as well as the beneficiary has received many requests from interested
teachers and pupils around Latvia to organise similar lectures and masterclasses in
the future.
The importance of the project, especially long term, is that there is more demand on
similar content in the future. Teachers are already looking for more options on how
to educate themselves during their own time and students are getting more
acquainted with developing creative projects on their own.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership helped to develop 24 workshops for pupils in Latvia, as well as twoonline tutorial videos. The project partner had a lot more experience on how toteach filmmaking, whereas the beneficiary had more experience in teaching filmtheory and history. The project helped to learn about teaching film practises.The collaboration with the partner organisation gave valuable experience on howto implement international projects and create educational content for teachers andpupils.The project fulfilled its goals and made long term results within the set agenda.Currently we are planning to expand our work with audiovisual education, howeverwe are planning to collaborate with partners from the cinema industry with moresimilar profiles than our own.