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The main activity in the project is the participation of employees-educators and management of the Pracownia Social Cooperative and the Kolektyw Edukacyjny Association in a 5-day intensive training designed to raise the competence of participants in the context of Marshall Rosenberg''s Nonviolent Communication-NVC, peaceful conflict resolution, facilitation of the learning process based on the idea of inclusive education, the ability to initiate and conduct a broadly understood dialogue and promote a culture of peace.
Both organizations are social economy entities employing people at risk of exclusion. They have grown out of informal local initiatives which are part of the grassroots alternative education movement in Poland. Both Pracownia and Kolektyw Edukacyjny promote non-formal education by creating democratic schools and organizing workshops and conferences aimed at parents and educators involved in alternative education. In our work, we adhere to the values of non-violence, respect, freedom and equality. Our projects involve people from groups at risk of exclusion - e.g. children and youth from rural areas, children with neurodiverse spectrum disorders, single parents or families with many children.
The training will be implemented in cooperation with a partner from Norway represented by trainer Anniken Poulsson Beer, who has a background in early childhood education. In 2012 she received certification from the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She has led two 3-year projects on implementing NVC in kindergartens. She is a propagator of the game "No Fault Zone". - a tool to learn and practice NVC. She uses it as one of the main tools during workshops. She accepts individual clients and works with families. For 18 years she worked as a director in early childhood education.
Summary of project results
The main activity in the project was the participation of employees-educators and management of the Pracownia Social Cooperative and the Kolektyw Edukacyjny Association in a 5-day intensive training designed to raise the competence of participants in the context of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication-NVC, peaceful conflict resolution, facilitation of the learning process based on the idea of inclusive education, the ability to initiate and conduct a broadly understood dialogue and promote a culture of peace. Topics covered in the training included: nonviolent communication, designing safe and inclusive learning spaces with the individual needs of learners in mind, repairing relationships when connection is broken, inclusive methods of conflict resolution, empathy for self and others, honest self-expression and attentive listening, decision-making processes that are inclusive of all needs, awareness of power, privilege, rank and culture, and a culture of feedback.The training was led as interactive workshops combining theory with practical exercises, and the methodology will include: lectures, presentations, case study, work in pairs, groups, individual, brainstorming, reflection/feedback sessions, circle method, ”No Fault Zone” game. Participants have developed a range of tools necessary to operate in the field of inclusive non-formal education: they''ve gained knowledge about NVC, developed skills of mediation, initiating and conducting a dialogue, counteracting discrimination, they have increased awareness of opportunities created by the EOG Funds and the value of bilateral cooperation, as well as developed personal, social and learning competencies.