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The project allows for increased mobility opportunities in higher education between Lublin University of Technology and University of South-Eastern Norway in the scope of:
a. Student mobility:
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Norway and incoming mobilities of students from the University of South-Eastern Norway for study periods lasting from 3 to 12 months within an academic year.
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Norway and incoming mobilities of students from the University of South-Eastern Norway for work placements from lasting from 2 to 12 months within an academic year.
b. Staff mobility:
- Teaching assignment-based mobilities of academic teachers between Poland and the Norwegian University for a period of between one day and six weeks (a minimum of eight hours of teaching at the partner institution must be provided during one week of mobility).
- Higher education staff mobility between Lublin University of Technology and University of South-Eastern Norway for job shadowing, participation in seminars, training, workshops and conferences aimed at improving skills and expanding knowledge in a given field for a period of between one day and six weeks.
- Mobilities of representatives (employees) of companies from Poland and the University of South-Eastern Norway for teaching assignments in a host institution for a period of between one day and six weeks.
Expected results are professional development of staff working in the field of higher education, mobility of students and university staff between Lublin University of Technology and University of South-Eastern Norway in institutional partnership to improve the quality and relevance of educational offerings in the field of higher education.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to reduce economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and to strengthen bilateral relations between Poland and Norway. The above objectives were fully achieved. The project for the Lublin University of Technology (LUT) and the University of Southeastern Norway (USN) was very important. So far, the Lublin University of Technology has cooperated with a partner university only as part of cooperation between individual scientists, and the full potential of universities was little known. Uiniversity of Southeastern Norway is a relatively young university for which expanding contacts and potential research and educational topics is extremely important. The most important goal of the project was to enable the partners to learn and share experiences, but above all to build a team for future scientific and research work.
The project included the implementation of mobility in higher education.
the employees'' stay in the Norwegian unit enabled the transfer and presentation of teaching skills and the potential of the University of Technology. This directly contributed to the signing of an agreement for the exchange of students and employees under the Erasmus+ program. This is the result of the project Education Component II Mobility in higher education. The contract for the implementation of the project included 2 study trips for the partner, each lasting 3 months, and 5 trips for the staff, each lasting 14 days.
The long-term impact of the project exceeded expectations of the project promoter. Not only an agreement for the exchange of employees and students from our universities was signed, but above all good practices were developed and experience was gained for subsequent projects. A group of scientists has been established who will continue research and scientific cooperation. An interdisciplinary team was established to conduct research on reducing plastic waste in oceans and seas, intelligently identifying plastics, increasing the level of reuse of plastics and supporting the circular economy.
Summary of bilateral results
Norway ranks 5th in the world in the education ranking (, Poland ranks 23rd. Giving the opportunity to learn about the education system of one of the best countries in the world is a great experience for the Lublin University of Technology. The stay of the employees and the student allowed to understand how Norwegians are educated and which fields of study are the most popular. This knowledge will certainly be used to develop Polish educational offer with new directions and specializations that the partners have already implemented. A very important piece of information is the fact that students in Norway are people who are very aware of their choices regarding their field of study and career path. This is because they choose studies based on their professional experience, and partner''s university only complements their knowledge. The study model is based on a practical part and a theoretical part that represents practical application. After the experiences of a student sent by the Lublin University of Technology, he took 4 written exams to pass the semester. It was observed that they included a practical application of the theory, i.e. solving an actual problem and a design part. The great emphasis on group work and company visits supports a practical approach to education in higher education in Norway. Despite these significant differences, Polish student found his way and met the requirements of the Norwegian university, which confirms belief that Polish educational methods also work.