Handbook for caring for a transgender patient

Project facts

Project promoter:
Acceptance Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
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This project addresses the problem of poor knowledge about transgender people in medicine and discrimination of transgender people in medical facilities. This leads to stressful situations for both parties and is traumatizing for patients. In such situations, the transgender people themselves take on the task of raising awareness. Unfortunately, LGBT+ people have become a target in a political and media hate campaign in recent years and are increasing used in a political war. Transphobic comments by the Ombudsman for Children are just one example. It will probably be a long time before anti-discrimination issues will be included in official personnel training programs. A practical handbook on transgender persons will be produced for health service personnel. The publication will include specification information, such as checklists, on specific procedures in health service clinics, emergency wards, doctors’ surgeries, etc. Along with promulgation of standards, there will be a series of training sessions and a handbook ambassador system will be introduced – medical students and professionals; these persons will be spokespeople for introduction of the handbook in their places of work or internship. The locations in which the recommended solutions are implemented will be placed on an interactive map for patients. The immediate target group is health service personnel (midwives, paramedics, gynecologists), who will improve their knowledge of transgender issues and soft skills concerning procedures for dealing with transgender patients. In fact, the project will mainly benefit transgender people – they will have greater comfort when using medical services at the clinics concerned.

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