Hybrid crisis support centre for victims of domestic and sexual abuse

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Supporting Activites for People Needing Help ROAD(PL)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Olsztyńskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Telefonicznej(PL)

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This project addresses the issue of domestic violence in the Warmińsko-Mazurski voivodship. During the pandemic, the number of cases of reported violence has risen dramatically – almost 6 000 Blue Cards are created every month. However, these statistics do not show the true scale of the problem. Moreover, local government support to prevent domestic violence is steadily decreasing. No preventative measures are taken in the region, and the range of help available is being steadily reduced. Within the voivodship, there is only one abuse victim shelter, and most of the seven crisis support centres currently in operation are only open for a few hours per day. The Project Promoter will operate a 24-hour support centre for victims of domestic violence. The help available will include legal advice, psychological counselling, and therapeutic support - one-on-one and in groups, and rental and adaptation of a residence for violence victims (women and children). There will also be therapy for abusers. The Project Promoter will conduct an awareness-raising campaign aimed both at victims of violence and local government authorities, including representatives of municipal interdisciplinary teams, social workers, police, and welfare officers. People working in the local violence prevention system will be trained on Blue Card procedures, information exchange, and cooperation between institutions. Primarily, women experiencing domestic violence will benefit. 120 people will get real psychological, legal, and therapeutic support and improve belief in themselves, their self-esteem, and their sense of agency and influence. The local violence prevention system will also be improved. The project partner is the Olsztyn Helpline Association, which is the first point of contact for women and operates the confidential helpline.

Summary of project results

The project responds to the problem of domestic violence in the Warmian-Masurian province. During the pandemic, the number of reported acts of violence increased dramatically, with nearly 6,000 Blue Cards being set up every month. However, these statistics do not show the real scale of the phenomenon. What''s more, local government support for countering domestic violence is steadily declining. The region lacks preventive measures, and the offer of assistance is systematically reduced. There is currently only one shelter for victims of violence in the province, and most of the 7 crisis intervention centers currently in operation are open for only a few hours a day.

As part of the project, the Project Promoter operated a 24-hour support point for victims of domestic violence. The offer included legal counseling, psychological counseling and therapeutic support, as well as the preparation of housing (shelter) for victims of violence - women and children. Psychological assistance was also provided to perpetrators of violence. The Project Promoter conducted an information campaign targeting both those experiencing violence and local authorities, including representatives and representatives of municipal interdisciplinary teams, employees and social workers, police, probation and parole officers. Those working in the local anti-violence system were included in activities to share experiences and inter-institutional cooperation.

Thanks to the project, a gap in the local anti-violence system has been filled. A total of 878 people benefited from various forms of support, primarily women experiencing domestic violence, but also perpetrators of violence. These people received real psychological, legal, therapeutic support; they strengthened their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy and sense of influence. The project positively influenced the effectiveness of the local system for protecting victims of violence and the quality of inter-institutional cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.