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The project aims to construct a heat pump as a new power source for the municipal heating network in Wroclaw.
The installation of 6.00 MW heat pump at the sewage pumping station in Wrocław is intended for heat recovery from raw sewage and for its injection into the municipal heating network. Planned heat production from the installation will amount to 291,233.52 GJ / year, therefore CO2 emission reduction will amount to 34,948.02 t / year.
The project aims to achieve:
• building own production source
• reducing the emission of air pollutants such as: CO2, NOx, SO2, CO and dust,
• energy use of municipal wastewater treated as a renewable energy source
• supplying heat from RES to the municipal heat network and increasing its energy efficiency,
• limiting the purchase of heat produced mostly from coal,
• improvement of local and own energy security reduction of CO2-34,948.02t/y -use of renewable energy sources in the production of heat - municipal sewage -heat recovery in the amount of 80,898.20 MWh/y.
• increasing the efficiency of the system
The project will directly benefit the local residents in Wroclaw and reduce emissions, improve air quality which will contribute to overall aims of the EU.