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Our village Krzesławice is aging. There has been a mass exodus of young people to the cities. They are usually busy with their own lives and have only occasional contact with their parents. When there is infrequent contact with close family, this can cause loneliness and a vulnerability of the elderly. According to municipal authority statistics, at the end of 2020, 18% of people living in Krzesławice were aged 60 +, while this was as high as 37% in nearby Karczówka. The oldest group of residents need to be given organized support enabling them to participate in community life. We intend to resolve the question of exclusion of the elderly from community life and provide the missing measures to help them; to be mindful of and support people who feel forgotten, less important, and of no use to the community. We will conduct a two-year series of meetings - blocks of activities in various areas of knowledge and skills: computer classes, healthy cooking, motivation workshops to counter helplessness and stagnation, lectures on biological and psychological aspects of later life, memory exercises, (prevention of dementia) and intergeneration workshops with children and young people on “how we used to live”, artistic and sculpture handicraft, cultural events. We will provide a healthy single-course meal and dessert. We also envisage landscape walks in the neighbourhood, a tourist and landscape excursion, and trips to the Warsaw Grand Theatre and Świętokrzyski Philharmonic. The project will increase activity, knowledge and skills of people aged 65+ in various areas of life and affirm their conviction that they can and should participate fully in community life and are artistic and creative. We will change the rural community centre, which is usually closed, into an Elderly Friendly Facility. A group of 25 people aged 65+ residing in the villages of Krzesławice and Karczówka will participate.
Summary of project results
The project responds to the problem of exclusion of older people in rural Krzeslawice. Like many other villages and small towns, Krzeslawice has experienced a mass exodus of young people to the cities. Intergenerational contact is sporadic, and older people often live alone without relatives. By the end of 2020, up to 18% of Krzeslawice''s population will be over 60 years old. Older people are left to fend for themselves, often without access to the internet or even a telephone, which is not conducive to keeping in touch with family living far away and keeping up to date with what is happening in the area. To make matters worse, there is a lack of activities that enable them to participate in society.
The Project Promoter organised various meetings and workshops over two years. Nine cycles of thematic workshops were held for 25 senior citizens - a total of 48 meetings. Workshops included: computer skills, care and health, healthy eating, cooking, memory training, intergenerational relations with children and young people, arts and crafts, and culture. Some meetings were open to the whole local community (e.g. exhibitions). There were also sightseeing walks in the area and trips to the National Theatre in Warsaw and the New Year''s Concert in Radom.
The project filled a gap in the lack of activities for older people in Krzeslawice. It increased the activity and skills of people aged 65+ in various areas of life, and improved their self-esteem, sense of agency and motivation to act. The project benefited not only the people who took part in the workshops, but also the whole community of residents to whom some of the activities were addressed. Undoubtedly, the project helped to strengthen intergenerational ties and neighbourhood relations.