New Trends in Nature Conservation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Charles University(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
DHP Conservation Ltd.(CZ)
Matej Bel University(SK)

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Recently, there is no career educational program in the Czech Republic focused on national and international trends in nature conservation. The only comparable activity was the course "Recent trends in nature conservation" held by the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES), Faculty of Science, Charles University (CU), Prague in 2016-2018. Lecturers were represented by the best Czech experts in their field of study sharing expertise about recent trends. However, this model with certification lacked two significant aspects: the option to invite experts from other EU countries and to use efficiently outcomes and participation of experts for the awareness-raising activities targeting on experts, secondary schools and university students, and public. Therefore, the project proposal aims to develop the "Trends in Nature Conservation" program (TNC) that will suitably combine following activities in order to increase their impact:
1.    Four-semester course TNC coordinated by the IES (CU): 2021-2023. The lecturers will involve Czech and foreign top expert; the outcome: 120-150 certified participants. 
2.    Three short movies in Czech and English version more than 40 minutes long, focusing on new nature conservation approaches, intended for secondary school and university students, and public. The movies will be published on YouTube and actively promoted through social media and partners incl. TV channels.
3.    Popular educational publication - compendium of the TNC course (digital + print of 500 issues) and publication of three popular educational articles in the nationwide media.
4.    Online webinars for general public: 10.
5.    Lectures for students of selected secondary schools: 15.
6.    Awareness campaign using social media of the CU and partners, namely the Czech Radio.

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