I sort the cooking oil

Project facts

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This project is about education and awareness raising activities, those will lead to reduction of the negative human impact on air and waste water quality. This will be achieved thru information campaign aimed on teaching all the people to separate used cooking oil from their households. After beeing used in housholds, used cooking oil is usually poured into drainage and waste systems, what brings numerous negatives not only on the enviroment. 
Thanks to information and aducation campaign, the public will be presented with relevant issues:
- what negatives could happen while pouring used cooking oil int drainage and waste systems
- opportunity, availability and possibility to separate used cooking oils
- why is separating of used cooking oils usefull
The information and education campaign will be realized thru following communication channels:
- Website Tridimolej.cz 
- education (seminar lectures) in schools and education facilities
- social media network (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube)
- local TVs  
- national and local radios
- printed paper periodicals (maganzine "Odpady", "Odpadové fórum" waste forum journal, "Deník" etc.)
- printed papel local periodicals (municipal citi newsletters, regional/district mutations of national periodicals)
- news, thematic or partner websites (Odpady-online.cz, deník.cz, Kamsnim.cz, Econea.cz)
- websites of participating municipalities and cities
- distribution of printed materials directly to citizens
- billboards, city-lights, signboasrds, advarting spaces

Summary of project results

Our project focuses on educational and awareness-raising initiatives regarding the proper disposal procedures for used cooking oil. The aim is to mitigate the negative human impact on both air and wastewater quality. Typically, after household use, used cooking oil is often indiscriminately poured into drainage and waste systems, resulting in numerous adverse effects not only on the environment.

Through an informative and engaging campaign, we have highlighted several key issues for the public''s consideration:

  1. Potential Negative Consequences: We have outlined the various drawbacks associated with pouring used cooking oil into drainage and waste systems, emphasizing the environmental repercussions.
  2. Opportunities for Separation: The campaign has shed light on the opportunities, availability, and feasibility of separating used cooking oils. By presenting viable alternatives, we encourage individuals to make informed choices in managing their cooking oil waste.
  3. Benefits of Separation: We''ve underscored the importance of separating used cooking oils and elucidated the practical advantages. This includes not only environmental benefits but also the positive impact on overall wastewater quality.

Our overarching goal is to empower the public with knowledge, encouraging responsible practices in the disposal of used cooking oil, ultimately contributing to a healthier environment.

Our successful campaigns promoting used edible oil recycling embraced a comprehensive strategy across press, social media, and school lectures, resulting in increased bin usage. Activities we did included distributing materials to municipalities, creating diverse promotional content, and dynamic social media campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Radio broadcasts and TV appearances, particularly on POLAR TV, enhanced visibility. A targeted school campaign in November and December 2022 involved awareness lectures. We fostered community engagement through leaflet distribution, while press coverage and a news feature on DVTV amplified our message. This integrated approach yielded tangible results, boosting awareness and adoption of used edible oil recycling practices.

We''ve successfully achieved the primary objective of educating individuals on segregating used cooking oil from their households. By observing the noticeable rise in the utilization of used oil recycling bins we conclude that our campaign has yielded positive results.

The impact extends beyond the direct enhancement of waste disposal practices. Indirectly, there has been a reduction in non-separated municipal waste in towns and cities, leading to a decrease in costs associated with servicing and mitigating the adverse effects on sewer, drainage, and wastewater systems. Furthermore, our initiative has played a role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions through the recycling of used cooking oil. The multifaceted benefits of this program highlight its effectiveness in promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.