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The objective of the project is to encourage export capacity and improve competitiveness of SIA Metsatek, by introducing a new product in production - prefabricated aluminium/steel timber truck superstructure with unique structural solution, as well as introduce innovational technologies, thus, considerably reducing environmental impact.
As a result of the project it is intended to develop technology for robotized production of the timber truck superstructure elements and introduce the production of the new type modular timber truck superstructure. By implementing the project and acquiring new equipment, SIA Metsatek will be able to ensure completely automatized technological processes, which will allow gradually introducing production of new product line and increase the turnover of the company in the fifth year (2028) following implementation of the project up to 2,98 million EUR, net profit up to 234 214 EUR and export volumes by at least 58%.
Introduction of the new technology will result in reducing material consumption, minimized % of losses and spoilage, introduction of new production system with high degree of automatization and robotization. The project will result in achieving considerable reduction of environmental impact over the period of 5 years - 931.08 MWh (reduction of consumed energy) and 236.03 CO2 tonnes (reduced greenhouse gas emissions) and 4 new jobs created.
Summary of project results
The project did not face any significant challenges.
The objective of the project is to encourage export capacity and improve the competitiveness of SIA Metsatek by introducing a new product in production—a prefabricated aluminium/steel timber truck superstructure with a unique structural solution—as well as introducing innovative technologies, thus considerably reducing environmental impact.
As a result, SIA "METSATEK," in cooperation with Krown Fredrikstad AS, has created new modular dismountable cargo racks and developed a new painting technology with an increased protective paint coating against corrosion and mechanical damage. This will allow for increased export capacity, productivity, and competitiveness, reducing the impact on the environment.
Several technological innovations were introduced in the production process:
• Use of a new CNC bending technology;
• Reduction of production and delivery time;
• The use of welding robots, which made it possible to increase the number of manufactured parts in one shift and reduce welding seam interruptions;
• Improved painting technology that provides higher mechanical strength and protection against corrosion;
• High-quality Selemix and PPG products were used in the painting process, providing a two-layer painting system and thorough surface preparation. The project results showed a significant reduction in cargo strut damage and corrosion area from 60% to 15% within eight months.
Introducing the new technology will reduce material consumption, minimise the percentage of losses and spoilage, and introduce a new production system with a high degree of automation and robotization. The project will result in a considerable reduction of environmental impact over the period of 5 years—931.08 MWh (reduction of consumed energy) and 236.03 CO2 tonnes (reduced greenhouse gas emissions)—and 8 new jobs will be created.
The project has been successfully implemented, and the new technology has been successfully integrated, significantly improving production efficiency, quality and product sustainability.
Other results achieved within the project are four new jobs created; it is also planned to achieve 100% export of the new product, CO2 emission reduction by 47,21 tonnes/year, and energy savings by 186,22 Mwh per year.
Summary of bilateral results
Cooperation with the project''s donor partner significantly improved the production process of the new technology and the quality of the new products. Partners'' know-how improved the knowledge of metal parts production processes. In the future, it is planned to continue the bilateral cooperation with the donor partner and develop the technology of painting and applying protective coatings.