Snake Valley - Education about Aesculapian snake in Poohří region

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 21,042
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


The Aeculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) is specially protected species in the Czech Republic. The species' action plan was prepared in 2008 and feeds into the state environmental policy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020. In the Czech Republic, the species is found only in Poohří, Podyjí and the White Carpathians. While the population of Moravia is formed by spurts of a whole area, the Bohemian population in Poohří is hundreds of kilometers away from it, thus it is a population isolated. Systematic research of population status and abundance by means of marking and reverse trapping method took place in 2005-2007 in cooperation with the CULS, the NCA CR and local volunteers. A number of negative factors have been identified during the research. Among the most important are the changes in the landscape caused by the loss of economy and its transition from small-scale to large-scale. Many localities are now almost imperceptible and there are no small structures that make up the landscape (wall, boundaries, stone debris). Another serious threat is the increasing pressure of the human being, especially the car service. Concerned about the growing influence of non-native predators, especially the northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) is increasingly observed in Poohri. The main objective of the project is the implementation of the action plan by education of public and locals in the Poohří area, one of the three areas of occurrence of the species. The project will focus on increasing the knowledge of the species among locals and general public through consultancy, development of an information center and the creation of educational materials (leaflets, maps, memory game). The project outputs are all tools which present the topic to the public and people participating in consultancy and use services at the information center to gain knowledge of the species and its protection. The target group of the project is primarily public and nature-conservation authorities.

Summary of project results

The Aeculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) is specially protected species in the Czech Republic. The main objective of the project was the implementation of the action plan by education of public and locals in the Poohří area, one of the three areas of occurrence of the species. The project outcome centered on increasing the knowledge about the species among locals and the general public by consultancy, development of an information center and the creation of educational materials (leaflets, map, memory game). As a part of the project several measures were implemented in this area, such as: - building up the outdoor terrarium with an exposition of our snake species - building up the dry-stone wall as demonstration of natural habitat of reptiles - creating the so called "natural park Osvinov" with 5 information panels, various type of elements supporting nature (bird boxes, bat box, insect house, stone shelters for lizards, small egg-laying site for snakes and so on. - a new wooden fence around the "natural park Osvinov". The aforementioned activities will help to increase the visitor awareness of the "natural park Osvinov" and better information for the public. The project included several different educational measures - advice and infocenter, information materials and information events for the public, important for the positive relation of the people to the Aeculapian Snake, which is a prerequisite for the long-term prosperity of the species in the area of interest. In addition, various information materials were published - stickers picturing the Aesculapian Snake, coasters with Aesculapian Snake, leaflet of A4 size, a family game pairs of A3 size and tourist maps of A3 size. The project also organized two public enlightenment/awareness events with high attendance (about 220 visitors in June 2015 and about 150 visitors in September 2015) that helped showcase the importance of the project and its results, as well as emphasize the need for continued species protection of the Aesculapian Snake. Before project were on project area about 512 units of species Aeculapian snake. After the project realisation there is about 590 units of species. Project area is 950 ha. As part of the sustainability of the project, continuous care of the infocentre and the adjacent nature park will be ensured in the coming years. There will also be an effort to organize other public awareness events.

Summary of bilateral results