Tartu County Climate change mitigation and adaptation plan

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tartumaa Association of Local Authorities(EE)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Agder County(NO)
Icelandic Association of Local Authorities(IS)
Other Project Partners
Elva Municipality(EE)
Kambja Municipality(EE)
Kastre Municipality(EE)
Luunja Municipality(EE)
Nõo Municipality(EE)
Peipsiääre Municipality(EE)
Tartu Municipality(EE)


The aim of this project is to compile a climate and energy plan for the whole of Tartu County. Tartu County''s climate and energy plan is prepared on two levels through broad-based involvement. The county level, to which the energy and climate plan of the city of Tartu is also integrated, and each local government - Elva, Kambja, Kastre, Luunja, Nõo, Peipsiääre and Tartu Rural Municipality - receives a local government-based energy and climate plan. The Tartu County Climate and Energy Plan has three lines of action to be implemented: increasing energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy and adapting to climate change. In the course of the project, the sectoral development document “Tartu County Climate and Energy Plan” will be completed. The resulting county activities will be integrated into the Tartu County Development Strategy 2040, the renewal process of which has been started by the decision of the Board of TOL no. 6 (07.04.2021).

The climate and energy sector will be the main horizontal theme in the county''s development strategy, together with objectives, activities and a monitoring plan and indicators. The local governments of Tartu County will each receive their own climate and energy plan, the resulting activities, including the activities at the county level, to which they will be involved, will be integrated into the local government''s own development documents and daily work. 

Summary of project results

Tartu County has completed their Climate and Energy plan

Summary of bilateral results

The partner provided very good information and practical instructions on how to draft the climate and energy plan. They also participated in webinars and presented their best practice. The Project Promoter also visited their Partner in Norway and they had an opportunity to see and hear about climate and energy plan acitivities in Adger County. The Project PRomoter is convinced of their future collaboration with the Partner.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.