Future is organic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Biogarden - in harmony with nature(HR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Croatian Organic Farmers’ Associations Alliance(HR)


Modern food production systems and the associated lifestyles are responsible for almost a third of total pollution, contribute significantly to climate change and lead to biodiversity loss. The European Union has recognized the importance of organic production and set very ambitious goals that require significant changes in agricultural policies. Nevertheless, at first glance, the National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production, the creation of which is currently underway, does not reflect any of these ambitions, and previous experiences with strategies that remain a mere form do not promise to solve burning problems that hinder the development of organic production. In order to be constructively included in the discussion, the project will enable organic farmers to form concrete arguments based on analysis of agricultural policies, experiences and common attitudes of producers. This will not only highlight the problems but also propose concrete solutions and raise awareness, among the general public as well as the institutions responsible for the adoption and implementation of these policies. Organic producers are significantly administratively burdened, controlled by multiple bodies and institutions that do not communicate with each other, and administrative requirements hinder the development of innovative methods and the spread of diversity. The development of organic production requires inter-institutional and cross-sectoral cooperation, which we want to encourage with the project.

Summary of project results

Through policy research and engaging in public advocacy, our organizations aim to contribute to an understanding of the specific challenges faced by ecological producers and highlight the need for comprehensive solutions. By conducting a public campaign, we want to emphasize the importance of ecological production, not only in terms of environmental goals but also as the only branch of agriculture in which Croatia can achieve competitiveness in both domestic and European markets while preserving its environment and production capacity. However, it is necessary to take a broader view and approach development systematically and ambitiously. Awareness needs to be spread not only among the general public but also among the institutions that are key stakeholders in policy creation and implementation.

By organizing a roundtable, we aim to facilitate communication between various stakeholders in the supervision and support system for ecological production and the implementation of public policies. These stakeholders include the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, certification bodies, the State Inspectorate, the Agricultural Advisory Service, and others, as well as the producers whose livelihoods depend on these factors. The goal of the roundtable and public campaign is to initiate dialogue and mutual understanding, recognize common problems, and acknowledge the need for a systematic approach to their solution at the interinstitutional level.

  • Conducted 1 research study.
  • Organized 1 roundtable discussion.
  • Launched a public campaign.
  • Currently in the process of amending the action plan text (promised by the Ministry of Agriculture).
  • Two organizations are connected in an initiative that will continue the advocacy process.

In summary, the project involves gathering data, conducting research, advocating for the establishment of a Citizen Complaints Commission, and increasing awareness and support for human rights and good governance in the context of CZSS''s work in protecting victims of gender-based violence and their children.

By researching public policies and the opinions of producers and actively engaging in public advocacy, we have contributed to understanding the specific issues faced by organic farmers and highlighted the need for comprehensive solutions. Through a public campaign, we emphasized the importance of organic farming and the challenges faced by organic farmers. We also highlighted the need to remove existing obstacles in Croatia to the development of organic agriculture. This effort has led to changes in the Action Plan and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), as well as the introduction of additional programs beyond CAP, funded by national resources (as evident from official meeting records).

By organizing a roundtable discussion, we have fostered communication among various stakeholders involved in the oversight and support of organic production and the implementation of public policies. These stakeholders include the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, certification bodies, the Agricultural Advisory Service, and producers whose livelihoods depend on these policies. The goal of the roundtable and public campaign was to initiate dialogue, mutual understanding, and the recognition of common problems, with the aim of systematically addressing these issues at an interinstitutional level – a goal we consider to have been achieved.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.