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The project "Management based on experience - good practices in university management" will be implemented in cooperation with Molde University College from Norway and will last from April to October 2022. The main activity of the project is organisation of a 3-day study visit in Norway, which will take place in September 2022 and will be attended by a group of 5 representatives of the management staff of the Białystok University of Technology.
According to the latest Strategy for the Development of the Bialystok University of Technology for 2021-2024, one of the main goals of the University is to professionalise the management of the University. This concerns both the infrastructure, management tools and techniques, as well as the development of the competencies of the scientific, teaching, administrative and technical staff. Changes in the approach to the current functioning are also forced by the current situation in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic posed additional new challenges for the management staff. The participation of the management staff in international visits is to contribute to collecting information on the experience of Polish and foreign partners in managing a university. This knowledge will be used to develop the most optimal management system at BUT.
The main objectives of the project are to increase the competence of the management staff of the Bialystok University of Technology and to strengthen and expand cooperation with Molde University College.
Summary of project results
During the three-day Study Visit, a delegation from Bialystok University of Technology held a series of working meetings and discussions with representatives of Molde University College. PB representatives met with the Rector of MUC, the Vice Rector for Science, the cooperation coordinator, the head of MUC''s Information Technology Services Department, as well as a number of scientists representing various research areas. Participants in the visit had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with employees in similar positions from a foreign university. During the meetings, various management models implemented at the participating universities were presented, experiences were exchanged on the operation of universities during pandemics and other emergencies, and issues related to the education of students and the organization of the work of individual units were discussed. In addition, common areas of activity between the two universities were analyzed and, on this basis, cooperation priorities planned for implementation after the project were established. The project positively influenced the expansion of the participants'' knowledge in the field of university management - the participants of the visit exchanged experiences in managing a higher education institution from Poland with the staff of a Norwegian university, learned about different perspectives and approaches to the way the university is managed, which will bring tangible results in the daily work of the management staff through the implementation on PB of good practices applied in the Host Institution. During the visit, Bialystok University of Technology staff had the opportunity to visit the campus of the partner university, learn about its activities and ongoing projects.
Summary of bilateral results
The subject of the meetings held during the visit was to work out and discuss the areas of common activities in which the universities will be able to cooperate with each other in the future. As a result of the visit, cooperation in the implementation of mobility, educational and research projects will be developed. The Project Study Visit took place as planned. The project was attended by 5 executives from the Bialystok University of Technology. Cooperation with Molde University College went very well and smoothly. As part of the project''s dissemination activities, a subpage was created on the PB International Cooperation Office website